Associate Professors

English Name:LI Mei
Academic Title:Associate Professor
Supervisor:Master Supervisor
Department:Department of Biological Control
Group:Trichoderma Group
Education and Working Experience:


2000/03-2003/01, Ph.D., School of Life Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology
1994/09-1997/07 M.S., School of Food, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, China
1990/09-1994/07 B.S., School of Horticulture, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, China

2006/01—Present Associate Professor, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China
2005/05-2005/12 Assistant Professor, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China
2003/04-2005/05, Postdoctoral Associate, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
1997/07-2000/02, Assistant Lecturer,School of Food,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin,China
Research Area:

My research is focused on the research and utilization of bio-control microorganisms including the following main aspects:
(1) Collection, evaluation and utilization of biocontrol microorganisms;
(2) Fermentation of biocontrol fungi for spores and chlamydospores, and preparations;
(3) Field application and ecology of microbial pesticides;
(4) Biocontrol mechanism and related genes of biocontrol microorganisms.

1. Yang X, Li M, Zhang L, Pang L, Sun Q, Jiang X. Transcriptiome analysis of Trichoderma harzianum Th-33 in Chlamydospore formation. Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 2015, 31(1)85-95
2. Li M, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Yang X, Jiang X. Exploring the Electron Transfer Pathway in the Oxidation of Avermectin by CYP107Z13 in Streptomyces ahygroscopicus ZB01. PLoS ONE (2014) 9(6): e98916.
3. Liu Z, Li M, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Yang X, Jiang X. Antagonism of the Thga1 gene knock-out mutants of Trichoderma harzianum against three kinds of plant pathogenic fungi in vitro, Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 2014,30(3):470-475
4. Zhang L, Jiang X, Yang X, Li M, Chen S. Inhibition of chlamydospore germination and mycelial growth of Trichoderma spp. by chemical fungicides. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2014,30(33):150-155
5. Niu J, Li M, Fan L, Liu Z, Jiang X, Chen S. Cloning and functional research of a caf-like Gene ThCon1 in Trichoderma harzianum TH-33. Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 2013,29(1):89-96
6. Jiang X, Liu W, Ji Y, Niu J, Li M. Expression of CYP107Z13 in Streptomyces lividans TK54 catalyzes the oxidation of avermectin to 4″-oxo-avermectin. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2012,93(5):1957-1963
7. Liu W, Jiang X, Ji Y, Niu J, Li M. Cloning and prokaryotic expression of cyp107z gene from Streptomyces ahygroscopicus ZB01. Acta Microbiologica Sinica, 2011,51(3):410-416
8. Ji Y, Li M, Tian Y, Liu W, Niu J, Jiang X. Cloning and bioinformatics analysis of chitin synthase gene ThChsC from Trichoderma harzianum. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2011,44(17):3537-3546
9. Li M, Hu H, Zhang X, Shen H. Research on concentration levels of pathogenic microorganism indicators in different domestic sewage and reclaimed water. Environmental Science, 2006,27(1):26-29
10. Li M, Hu H. Research progress in the use of bacteriophages as viral indicators in water. China Water&Wastewater, 2005, 21 (2):23-26
11. Li M, Hu H. Review of F-specific RNA bacteriophages as enteroviruses indicators in water. Ecology and Environment, 2005, 14(4): 585-589 
12. Li M, Yang Q, Li C. Transformation of Trichoderma T88 with gene resistant to fungicide carbendazim. Journal of Agro-Environment Science, 2003, 22(4):493-495
13. Li M, Yang Q, Song J. Transformation of the Chaetomium globosum with the gene of the resistance to carbendazim, High Technology Letters, 2002,12(2):43-45
14. Li M, Jiang X, Liu W, Zeng F, Huang Q, Li F. A novel cytochrome P450 gene, expression protein and its application. Chinese patent No. ZL 200910249857.6
15. Li M, Jiang X. Method of industrial scale fermentation of chlamydospores of Phanerochaete chrysosporium and its preparation. Chinese patent No. ZL 201310228809.5