Associate Professors

English Name:WANG Dawei
Academic Title:Associate Professor
Supervisor:Master Supervisor
Department:Department of Weed Science, Rodent Biology and Rangeland Protection
Group:Rodent Biology and Management Group
Education and Working Experience:


Associate Professor, 2013.1-present, Key Laboratory of Weed and Rodent Biology and Management, Institute of Plant Protection (IPP), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), Beijing, China.

Assistant Professor, 2008.10-2012.12, Key Laboratory of Weed and Rodent Biology and Management, IPP, CAAS, Beijing, China.

Research Associate, 2007.7-2008.10, Key Laboratory of Weed and Rodent Biology and Management, IPP, CAAS, Beijing, China.



Ph.D & Master in Animal Ecology, 2002.9 – 2007.9, State Key Laboratory of Integrated Pest Management, Institute of Zoology (IOZ), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China.

Bachelor of Sciences in Biology, 1998.9 – 2002.6, Hebei University, Baoding, China. 
Research Area:

My research is focused on physiological ecology of pest rodents and their integrated management. In brown rat and Brandt’s vole, mainly pests in farm and steppe, my interests include three aspects: 1) formation, differentiation and regulatory mechanisms of seasonal breeding; 2) formulation improvement and behavioral evaluation of chemical rodenticide; 3) improvement, developement, and integration of management technologies for pest rodents. 

[1]  Wang DW, Ouyang CB, Liu Q, Yuan HL, Liu XH (2013) Inclusion of quinestrol and 2,6-di-O-methyl-β-cyclodextrin: preparation, characterization, and inclusion mode. Carbohydrate Polymers 93: 753-760.

[2]  Liu XH, Yue LF, Wang DW, Li N, Cong L (2013) Inbreeding avoidance drives consistent variation of fine-scale genetic structure caused by dispersal in the seasonal mating system of Brandt’s voles.PLoS ONE 8: e58101.

[3]  Wang DW, Zhang JX, Zhang ZB (2012) Effect of testosterone and melatonin on social dominance and agonistic behavior in maleTscheskia triton. Behavioural Processes, 89: 271-277.

[4]  Wang DW, Li N, Liu M, Huang BH, Liu Q, Liu XH (2011) Behavioral evaluation of quinestrol as a sterilant in male Brandt's voles. Physiology & Behavior, 104: 1024-1030.

[5]  Wang DW, Cong L, Yue LF, Huang BH, Zhang JX, Wang Y, Li N, Liu XH (2011) Seasonal variation in population characteristics and management implications for brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) within their native range in Harbin, China. Journal of Pest Science, 84: 409-418.

[6]  Wang DW, Liu Q, Liu M, Huang BH, Liu XH (2011) Preparation of hydroxypropyl-β- cyclodextrin inclusion with Levonorgestrel and Quinestrol (EP-1) and its influence on the reproductive organs Brandt’s voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii). Acta Theriologica Sinica, 31: 79-83. (in Chinese with English abstract)

[7]  Wang DW, Liu Q, Liu M, Liu XH (2011) The preparation, characterization and ultraviolet photodegradation of LNG-HP-β-CD.Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 31: 808-811. SCI-E. (in Chinese with English abstract)

[8]  Wang DW, Cong L, Wang Y, Liu XH (2010) Population parameters and physiological characteristics of Brandt’s vole (Lasiopodomys brandtii). Acta Ecologica Sinica, 30: 3562-3568. (in Chinese with English abstract)

[9]  Huang BH, Feng ZY, Yue LF, Yao DD, Gao ZX, Wang DW, Liu XH (2010) Warfarin resistance test and polymorphism screening in the VKORC1 gene in Rattus flavipectus. Journal of Pest Science, 84: 87-92.

[10]  Wang DW, Wang ZL, Zhang JX, Zhang JJ, Zhang ZB (2009) Fecal hormone variation during prolonged social interaction in maleTscheskia triton. Physiology & Behavior, 97(3-4): 347-352.

[11]  Yue LF, Wang DW, Huang BH, Liu XH (2009) Characterization of 9 novel microsatellite markers from Brandt’s vole (Lasiopodomys brandtii). Molecular Ecology Resource, 9(4): 1194-1196.

[12]  Zhang JX, Rao XP, Sun LX, Wang DW, Liu DZ, Zhao CH (2008) Cohabitation impaired physiology, fitness and sex-related chemosignals in golden hamsters. Physiology & Behavior, 93: 1071-1077.

[13]  Wang DW, Zhang JX, Wang ZL, Zhang ZB (2006) Seasonal changes in chronic social interactions and physiological states in female rat-like hamsters (Tscheskia triton). Physiology & Behavior, 89: 420-427.