Associate Professors

English Name:SUN Man-Hong
Academic Title:Associate Professor
Supervisor:Master Supervisor
Department:Department of Biological Control
Group:Biological Control of Soilborne Disease Group
Education and Working Experience:

Education experience:
1987.9-1991.6: B.S., Department of Chemistry Engineering, Beijing College of Light Industry, China
1997.9-2000.6: M.S., Institute of Biological Control/Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

Working experience:
1991.8-1993.9: Research fellow, Honeybee Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 1993.10-2002.4: Assistant professor, Institute of Biological Control, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2002.5-2006.4: Assistant professor, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2006.5-2008.4: Visiting scholar/Assistant professor, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, USA 2008.5-Now: Associate professor, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Research Area:

1. Biological control of plant nematodes and fungal diseases, including investigation and screening of microbial biocontrol resources, biology, ecology, biocontrol mechanism, evaluation of control efficacy and field application.
2. Development of fungal biopesticides, including fermentation and processing technology, development of formulation, and application technique.
The current research is mainly focused on nematophagous fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus and mycoparasite Clonostachys rosea (syn. Gliocladium roseum).

1. Sun Z.B., Li S.D., Zhong Z.M., Sun M.H. 2015. A perilipin gene from Clonostachys rosea f. catenulata HL-1-1 is related to sclerotial parasitism. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 16: 5347-5362.
2. Sun Z.B., Li S.D., Sun M.H.* 2015. Selection of reliable reference genes for gene expression studies in Clonostachys rosea 67-1 under sclerotial induction. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 114: 62-65.
3. Sun Z.B., Sun M.H.*, Li S.D.* 2015. Draft Genome Sequence of Mycoparasite Clonostachys rosea Strain 67-1. Genome Announcements. 3(3): e00546-15.
4. Wang Z., Li S.D., Miao Z.Q., Guo R.J., Sun M.H. 2015. Synergistic efficacy of Purpureocillium lilacinum and organic material against tomato root-knot nematode. Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 31: 130-138 (Ch).
5. Tian T., Li S.D., Sun M.H.*2014. Synergistic effect of dazomet soil fumigation and Clonostachys rosea against cucumber Fusarium wilt. Phytopathology, 104(12): 1314-1321.
6. Sun M.H., Chen Y.M., Liu J.F., Li S.D., Ma G.Z. 2014. Effects of culture conditions on spore types of Clonostachys rosea 67-1 in submerged fermentation. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 58(4): 318–324.
7. Dong P.P., Sun M.H.*, Li S.D., Peng Y., Luo M. 2014. Biological characteristics of chlamydospores of Clonostachys rosea 67-1. Mycosystema, 33(6): 1242-1252 (Ch).
8. Tian T., Sun, M.H.*, Li, S.D. 2014. Combined control of cucumber fusarium wilt by Dazomet and Clonostachys rosea 67-1. Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 30(4): 503-510 (Ch).
9. Zhang J.J., Li S.D., Guo R.J., Peng Y., Sun M.H., Miao Z.Q. 2014. Efficacy of combined use of Purpureocillium lilacinum YES and Clonostachys rosea 67-1 in suppressing cucumber root-knot disease caused by Meloidogyne incognita. Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 30(6): 787-794 (Ch).
10. Chen S.Y., Kurle J.E., Sun M.H., Naeve S., Wyse D.L., Stahl L.A. 2013. Preceding crops affected soybean iron-deficiency chlorosis and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soybean cyst nematode-infested fields. Crop Science, 53: 250-259.
11. Zhang Y., Sun M.H.*, Li S.D., Luo M. 2013. Cloning and functional analysis of endoglucanase gene from Gliocladium catenulatum HL-1-1, Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 29(1): 74-82 (Ch).
12. Xu M.Q., Jiang J., Sun M.H.*, Xie X.M., Li S.D. 2013. Construction of Clonostachys rosea 67-1 genetic transformation system by restriction enzyme-mediated integration (REMI). Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 29(2): 263-269 (Ch).
13. Ma G.Z., Wang S.F., Li S.D., Sun M.H., Bao Z.H., Fu H.R., Ge P.H. 2013. Effects of soil factors on population dynamics of Clonostachys rosea 67-1 in soil. Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 29(1): 97-103 (Ch).
14. Zhong Z.M., Li S.D., Gao H.L., Sun M.H. 2011. EST Bioinformatical analysis of mycoparasitism-associated genes in Gliocladium catenulatum parasitizing on sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 27(2): 207-213 (Ch).
15. Ma G.Z., Wang S.F., Bao Z.H., Li S.D., Sun M.H., Fu H.R., Ge P.H. 2011. Inhibition and protective activities of Gliocladium roseum 67-1 to Rhizoctonia solani. Crops, 145(6): 83-86 (Ch).
16. Zhang B.Y., Sun M.H., Zhang Y.H., Xie X.M., Li S.D. 2010. The sporulation of Clonostachys rosea strain 67-1 in submerged fermentation and its resistance to adversity. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 40(1): 103-105 (Ch).
17. Sun M.H., Gao L., Liu X.Z., Wang J.L. 2009. Fungal sporulation in two-stage cultivation. Mycosystem, 28(1): 64-72.
18. Gao L., Liu X.Z., Sun M.H., Li S.D., Wang J.L. 2009. Use of a novel two-stage cultivation method to determine the effects of environmental factors on the growth and sporulation of several biocontrol fungi. Mycoscience, 50(4): 317-321.
19. Li S.D., Miao Z.Q., Guo R.J., Sun M.H., Niu Y.S., Yang G.J., Lin S.M. 2009. Application of biocontrol agents in the management of microbiological pollution in protected vegetable field I. Effects on greenhouse environment and vegetable growth. China Fruit and Vegetable, (9): 10-14 (Ch).
20. Gao L., Sun M.H., Liu X.Z., Che Y.S. 2007. Effects of carbon concentration and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio on fungal growth and sporulation of several biological control fungi. Mycological Research, 111: 87-92.
21. Sun M.H., Gao L., Shi Y.X., Li B.J., Liu X.Z. 2006. Survey of fungi and actinomycetes associated with Meloidogyne spp. eggs and females in China and their biocontrol potential evaluation. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 93: 22-28.
22. Sun M.H., Liu X.Z. 2006. Carbon requirements of some nematophagous, entomopathogenic and mycoparasitic Hyphomycetes as fungal biocontrol agents. Mycopathologia, 161: 295-305.
23. Luo H.L., Sun M.H.*, Xie J.P., Liu Z.H., Huang Y. 2006. Diversity of actinomycetes associated with root-knot nematode and their potential for nematode control. Acta Microbiologica Sinica, 46(4): 598-601 (Ch).
24. Sun M.H., Liu X.Z. 2004. Effects of Paecilomyces lilacinus M-14 fermentation filtrate on the affinity between soybean cyst nematode and soybean root. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 34(4): 376-379 (Ch).
25. Sun M.H., Liu X.Z., Jin Z.B. 2002. Effects of Paecilomyces lilacinus on egg hatching and juvenile mortality of Heterodera glycines. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica, 29(1): 57-61 (Ch).
26. Sun M.H., Liu X.Z., 2000. Suppressive soils of soybean cyst nematode in China. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 30: 353-364 (Ch).
27. Sun M.H., Liu X.Z., Miao Z.Q. 2000. Biological control of soybean cyst nematode. Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 16(3): 136-141 (Ch).
28. Sun M.H., Liu X.Z. 1998. Colonization of Paecilomyces lilacinus on soybean root and its effect on rhizosphere micro-organisms. Microbiology, 25(3): 133-136 (Ch).
29. Sun M.H., Liu X.Z., Tang L. 1997. Fungistatic effect of soils on nematophagous fungi and their preparations. Mycosystema, 16: 149-154 (Ch).