Associate Professors


English NameLu Meiguang




Academic TitleAssociate Professor

SupervisorMaster Supervisor

DepartmentDepartment of Plant Pathology

GroupVirus Disease of Cash Crops

Education and Working Experience

Ph.D., 2004. China Agricultural University (CAU)

M.S., 2000. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)

B.S., 1986. Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (FAFU)

8/1986–9/1992, County Agricultural Bureau in Yongding, Fujian Province.

9/1992–present, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Research Area

Plant diseases and pest insects. Currently her main research focus on plant diseases control, such as investigation and detection of virus and virus-Like diseases of fruit trees (Cherry, Peach, Apple) and clone, molecular evolution, genetic diversity and so on.


  1. Gao Rui, Li Shifang, Lu Meiguang*. Complete nucleotide sequences of two isolates of Cherry virus A from sweet cherry in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2016, 15(7): 1667-1671.
  2. Lu Meiguang, Zhang Cheng, Zhang Zhixiang, Wang Chengan, Li Shifang. Nectarine stem-pitting-associated virus detected in peach trees in China. Plant disease, 2017, 101(3): 513-513.
  3. Gao Rui¶, Xu Yunxiao ¶, Candresse Thierry, He Zhen, Li Shifang, Ma Yuxin, Lu Meiguang*. Further insight to genetic variation and haplotype diversity of Cherry virus A from China. PloS One, 2017, 12(10): e0186273.
  4. Lu Meiguang, Gao Rui, Chen Ranran, Wu Bing, Zhang Zhixiang, Li Shifang. First Report of Little cherry virus-1 in Sweet Cherry Trees in China, Plant disease, 2015, 99(8): 1191-1191.
  5. Xu Yunxiao, Gao Rui, Li Shifang, Lu Meiguang*. Complete Genome Sequence of a Divergent Isolate of Cherry Virus A from Prunus avium in China. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 2018,7: e01218-18.
  6. Lu Meiguang, Rui Changhui, Zhao Jianzhou, Jian Guiliang, Fan Xianlin, Gao Xiwu. Selection and heritability of resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis subsp kurstaki and transgenic cotton in Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Pest Management Science, 2004, 60(9): 887-893.
  7. Lu Meiguang, Rui Changhui. Changes of some life parameters in the resistant bollworm [Helicoverpa amigera(Hubner)] fed on Bt trasgenic cotton. Cotton Science, 2002, 14(02) : 117-120.
  8. Xia Changjian, Li Shifang, Hou Wanying, Fan Zaifeng, Xiao Hong, Lu Meiguang, Sano Teruo*, Zhang Zhixiang*. Global transcriptomic changes induced by infection of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) with mild and severe variants of hop stunt viroid. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017, 8:2427.
  9. Zhang Zhixiang#, Qi Shuishui#, Tang Nan, Zhang Xinxin, Chen Shanshan, Zhu Pengfei, Ma Lin, Cheng Jinping, Xu Yun, Lu Meiguang, Wang Hongqing, Ding Shouwei, Li Shifang*, Wu Qingfa*. Discovery of replicating circular RNAs by RNA-Seq and computational algorithms. PLoS Pathogens, 2014, 10(12): e1004553.
  10. Liang Pengbo, Navarro Beatriz, Zhang Zhixiang, Wang Hongqing, Lu Meiguang, Xiao Hong, Wu Qingfa, Zhou Xueping, Di Serio Francesco *, Li Shifang*. Identification and characterization of a novel geminivirus with monopartite genome infecting apple trees. Journal of General Virology, 2015, 96(8): 2411-2420. 
  11. Ma Yuxin, Navarro Beatriz, Zhang Zhixiang, Lu Meiguang, Zhou Xueping, Chi Shengqi, Di Serio Francesco*, Li Shifang*. Identification and molecular characterization of a novel monopartite geminivirus associated with mulberry mosaic dwarf disease. Journal of General Virology, 2015, 96(8) : 2421-2434.
  12. Ge Beibei, Qian Li, Liu Guojie, Lu Meiguang, Li Shifang*, Wang Hongqing*. Simultaneous detection and identification of four viruses infecting pepino by multiplex RT-PCR. Archives of Virology, 2013, 158 : 1181-1187.
  13. Mahmut Mijit, He Zhen, Hong Jian, Lu Meiguang, Li Shifang, Zhang Zhixiang*. Analysis of fig tree virus type and distribution in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(6) : 1417-1421.
  14. Zhou Jun, Zhang Zhixiang, Lu Meiguang, Xiao Hong, Habili Nuredin, Li Shifang*. Complete nucleotide sequences of a new virus, peach chlorotic leaf spot virus, from flat peach in China. Archives of Virology. 2018, 163: 3459-3461
  15. Zhou Jun, Zhang Zhixiang, Lu Meiguang, Xiao Hong, Li Shifang*. First report of peach-associated luteovirus from flat peach and nectarine in China. Plant Disease, 2018, 102(12): 2669.
  16. Zhou Jun, Zhang Zhixiang, Lu Meiguang, Xiao Hong, Habili Nuredin, Li Shifang*. Complete nucleotide sequences of a new virus, peach chlorotic leaf spot virus, from flat peach in China. Archives of Virology. 2018, 163: 3459-3461