
Jiang Hongyun
English Name:JIANG Hongyun
Academic Title:Professor
Supervisor:Master Supervisor, PhD Supervisor
Department:Department of Pesticide Sciences
Group:Pesticide Toxicology and Natural Product Chemistry Group
Education and Working Experience:

2002-2007, Agricultural Entomology/Pest Control, China Agricultural University, Ph.D
1987-1990, Entomolgy, Huazhong Agricultural University, Master
1981-1985, Plant Protection, Huazhong Agricultural University, Bachelor


2011-present, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Pesticide Sciences, Professor
2001-2010, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Pesticide Sciences, Associate Professor
1990-2000, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Pesticide Sciences, Assistant Professor
1985-1987, Department of Plant Protection, Huazhong Agricultural University

Research Area:

Natural Product Chemistry and toxicological mechanisms of botanical pesticides;

Toxicity evaluation and risk assessment of pesticides to non-target organisms;

Food Safety Evaluation of Biological Hazards.

1. Lei Feng , Lan Zhang , Yanning Zhang, Pei Zhang, Hongyun Jiang*, Inhibition and recovery of biomarkers of earthworm Eisenia fetida after exposure to thiacloprid, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22: 9475-9482.

2. Deng Li, Zhang Lan, Cao Lidong, Xie Ruliang, Zhang Yanning, He Weizhi, Jiang Hongyun*, Synthesis and insecticidal Activity of Novel Camptothecin drivatives Containing Analogs of Chrysanthemic Acid Moieties, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2014, 13: 1320-1330.

3. Lan Zhang, Xuehuan Feng, Dejun Ma, Jingjing Yang, Hongyun Jiang*, Yanning Zhang, Weizhi He. Brusatol Isolated from Brucea javanica (L.) Merr. Induces Apoptotic Death of Insect Cell Lines. Pesticide Physiology and Biochemistry. 2013, 107:18-24.

4. Lan Zhang, Dejun Ma, Yanning Zhang, Weizhi He, Jingjing Yang, Chuanren Li, Hongyun Jiang*, Characterization of DNA Topoisomerase-1 in Spodoptera exigua for Toxicity Evaluation of Camptothecin and Hydoxy-Camptothecin. PLoS ONE. 2013, 8: e56458.

5. Lan Zhang, Yanning Zhang, Weizhi He, Dejun Ma, Hongyun Jiang*. Effects of camptothecin and hydroxycamptothecin on insect cell lines Sf21 and IOZCAS-Spex-II. Pest Management Science. 2012, 68: 652-657.

6. Xuehuan Feng, Hongyun Jiang*, Yanning Zhang, Weizhi He, Lan Zhang, Insecticidal activities of ethanol extracts from thirty Chinese medicinal plants against Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2012, 6: 1263-1267.

7. 冯磊,张兰,张燕宁,张佩,蒋红云*. 三种新烟碱类农药对蚯蚓体重及溶酶体膜的影响,植物保护,2015,41:35-39.

8. 李娇, 顾晓军,张燕宁,张兰,蒋红云*. 芒果炭疽病发生特点及果实品质影响因素的研究进展,安徽农业科学,2015, 43: 97-100.

9. 张佩,张兰,张燕宁,贾伟,蒋红云*. 甜菜夜蛾拓扑异构酶I氨基酸突变对其DNA解旋活性的影响,昆虫学报,2015,58: 933-940.

10. 张燕宁, 张兰, 王婧, 徐冬梅, 蒋红云*. 荔枝霜疫霉病对荔枝品质的影响研究. 中国食品工业, 2015, (6): 64-65.

11. 邓丽,张兰, 张燕宁,何伟志,冯磊,蒋红云*. 4种新烟碱类杀虫剂对大型溞的急性活动抑制,农药科学与管理, 2013,34:23-25.

12. 唐永清, 蒋红云*, 张燕宁. 8种中草药材粗提物对棉铃虫生物活性初步研究. 中国棉花, 2015, 42: 22-23.

13. 杨菁菁,蒋红云*,张兰,沈斌斌. 几种植物源活性物质对昆虫细胞的毒理测定,植物保护,2013, 39:112-116.

14. 周杰敏,蒋红云*,张燕宁,张兰,何伟志. 高效氯氟氰菊酯和啶虫脒及其复配剂对家蚕环境毒性的研究,农药科学与管理,2013, 34: 20-22.

15. 马德君,冯磊,蒋红云*,李传仁,张燕宁,何伟志,张兰. 5种药剂对大型溞的急性活动抑制毒性研究,安徽农业科学,2012,40:9331,9336.

16. 渠云博、马德君、蒋红云*、张燕宁,张兰,何伟志. 连钱草萃取物对4种植物病原真菌抑菌活性的测定,农药科学与管理,2012,33:50-53.

17. 孙伟,蒋红云*,张燕宁,张兰,何伟志. 55种中草药提取物对2种植物病原菌的生物活性,植物保护,2011,37:124-127.