
WANG Guirong
English Name:WANG Guirong
Academic Title:Professor
Supervisor:Master Supervisor, PhD Supervisor
Department:Department of Biotechnology in Plant Protection
Group:Insect Functional Genomics Group
Education and Working Experience:



Ph.D., 2002, Entomology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

M.S., 1999, Entomology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

B.S., 1996, Biology, Anhui Normal University



Professor, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2010-present

Associate Professor, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2004-2010

Assistant Professor, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2002-2004

Senior Research Associate, Vanderbilt University, USA, 2009-2010

Research Associate, Vanderbilt University, USA, 2005-2009 
Research Area:


·         Molecular and neural basis of olfaction in agricultural insects.

·         Developing attractants, repellents and olfactory blockers to manipulate insects’ behaviors.

·         The synthetic and regulatory pathways of volatile secondary metabolites in crops.

·         Functional genomics of agricultural insects.


1.      Hetan Chang, Yang Liu, Dong Ai, Xingchuan Jiang, Shuanglin Dong, Guirong Wang*. A pheromone antagonist regulates optimal mating time in the moth, Helicoverpa armigera. Current Biology, 2017, 27(11): 1610-1615

2.      R Zhang, B Wang, G Grossi, P Falabella, Y Liu, S Yan, J Lu, J Xi, G Wang*. Molecular Basis of Alarm Pheromone Detection in Aphids, Current Biology. 2017, 27(1):55-61

3.      Paolo Pelosi, Immacolata Iovinella, Jiao Zhu, Guirong Wang*, Francesca Romana Dani*. Beyond chemoreception: different tasks of soluble olfactory proteins in insects. Biological Reviews. 2017. doi: 10.1111/brv.12339

4.      Feng-qi Li, Wei Li, Yong-Jun Lin, John A. Pickett, Michael A. Birkett, Kongming Wu, Guirong Wang*, Jing-Jiang Zhou*. Expression of Lima Bean Terpene Synthases in Rice Enhances Recruitment of a Beneficial Enemy of a Major Rice Pest. Plant, Cell & Environment. 2017. doi: 10.1111/pce.12959

5.      Abudourusuli Tusi, Ming Li, Xiangzhi Liang, Ting Yang, Bin Yang, Guirong Wang*. Juvenile Hormone Epoxide Hydrolase can be a Promising Target for Hemipteran Pest Management. Sci. Rep., 2017, 7: 789 DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-00907-0

6.      Jiao Zhu, Liping Ban, Li-Mei Song, Yang Liu, Paolo Pelosi*, Guirong Wang*. General Odorant-Binding Proteins and sex pheromone guide larvae of Plutella xylostella to better food. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.  2016, 72:10-19.

7.      Wang, B., Y Liu, K He, G Wang*. Comparison of research methods for functional characterization of insect olfactory receptors. Sci. Rep., 2016, 6, 32806; doi: 10.1038/srep32806.

8.      J Zhu, I Iovinella, F Romana Dani, Y Liu, L Huang, Y Liu, C Wang, P Pelosi*, G Wang*. Conserved chemosensory proteins in the proboscis and eyes of Lepidoptera. IJBS, 2016 12(11): 1394-1404

9.      J Zhu, G Wang *, P Pelosi*. Plant transcriptomes reveal hidden guests. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2016, 474(3): 497-502

10.  Fu T, Hull JJ, Yang T, Wang G*. Identification and functional characterization of four transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 variants in Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dür). Insect Mol Biol. 2016, 25(4):370-384.

11.  S Cao, Y Liu, M Guo, G Wang*. A Conserved Odorant Receptor Tuned to Floral Volatiles in Three Heliothinae Species. PLOS ONE. 2016,11(5)

12.  H Chang, M Guo, B Wang, Y Liu*, S Dong, G Wang*. Sensillar expression and responses of olfactory receptors reveal different peripheral coding in two Helicoverpa species using the same pheromone components. Scientific Reports. 2016, 6:18742. 1

13.  D Cao, Y Liu, J Wei, J Li*, G Wang*. A de novo transcriptomic analysis to reveal functional genes in Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dür). Insect Sci. (2016) 23, 2–14

14.  Hetan Chang, Yang Liu, Ting Yang, Paolo Pelosi, Shuanglin Dong, Guirong Wang*. Pheromone binding proteins enhance the sensitivity of olfactory receptors to sex pheromones in Chilo suppressalis. Scientific Reports, 2015 27; 5: 13093. doi: 10.1038/srep13093.

15.  Jin ZhangWilliam B. WalkerGuirong Wang*Chapter Five - Pheromone Reception in Moths: From Molecules to BehaviorsProgress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science2015(130):109-128

16.  Jin Zhang, Shuwei Yan, Yang Liu, Emmanuelle Jacquin-Joly, Shuanglin Dong, Guirong Wang*. Identification and Functional Characterization of Sex Pheromone Receptors in the Common Cutworm (Spodoptera litura). Chemical Senses. 2015, 40(1):7-16.

17.  J Wei, T Fu, D Cao, T Yang, Y Liu, G Wang*. A TRPA1 channel that senses thermal stimulus and irritating chemicals in Helicoverpa armigera. Insect Molecular Biology. 2015, 24(4): 412-421.

18.  J Zhang, B Wang, S Dong, D Cao, J Dong, W. B. Walker, Y Liu, G Wang*. Antennal transcriptome analysis and comparison of chemosensory gene families in two closely related noctuidae moths, Helicoverpa armigera and H. assulta. PLoS One. 2015, 10(2): e0117054.

19.  S Yan, J Zhang, Y Liu, G Li*, G Wang*. An olfactory receptor from Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dur) activated by the plant volatile (Z)-3-Hexenyl acetate. J Insect Physiology. 2015, 79:36-41.

20.  Zhang J, Liu Y, Walker WB, Dong SL, Wang GR*. Identification and localization of two sensory neuron membrane proteins from Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Insect Sci. 2015, 22(3): 399-408.

21.  D Cao, Y Liu, J Wei, X Liao, W B. Walker, J Li, G Wang*. Identification of candidate olfactory genes in Chilo suppressalis by antennal transcriptome analysis. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2014, 10(8): 846-860

22.  C Liu, Y Liu, M Guo, D Cao, S Dong*, G Wang*. Narrow tuning of an odorant receptor to plant volatiles in Spodoptera exigua (Hübner). Insect Molecular Biology, 2014, 23(4): 487-496.

23.  Cao D, Liu Y, Walker WB, Li J*, Wang G*. Molecular Characterization of the Aphis gossypii Olfactory Receptor Gene Families. PLoS One. 2014 9(6):e101187. doi: 10.1371/ journal. pone.0101187.

24.  Bente G. Berg*, Xin-Cheng Zhao, Guirong Wang*. Processing of pheromone information in related species of heliothine moths. Insect, 2014, 5(4), 742-761

25.  Zhao XC, Wang YR, Berg BG, Liu Y, Tang QB, Wu SY, Yan FM*, Wu KM, Wang GR*. Fine structure and primary sensory projections of sensilla located in the labial-palp pit organ of Helicoverpa armigera (Insecta). Cell Tissue Research. 2013, 353(3): 399-408

26.  Liu C, Liu Y, Walker WB, Dong SL*, Wang GR*. Identification and functional characterization of sex pheromone receptors in beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua (Hübner). Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2013, 43: 747-754

27.  J. Zhang, C. Liu, SW Yan, Y Liu, M B Guo, S L Dong*, G R. Wang*. An odorant receptor from the common cutworm (Spodoptera litura) exclusively tuned to the important plant volatile cis-3-Hexenyl acetate. Insect Molecular Biology. 2013, 22(4): 424–432

28.  Liu Y, Liu C, Lin K, Wang G*. Functional Specificity of Sex Pheromone Receptors in the Cotton Bollworm Helicoverpa armigera. PLoS ONE. 2013, 8(4):e62094. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062094

29.  Sun M, Liu Y, Walker WB, Liu C, Lin K, S Gu, Y Zhang, J Zhou, G Wang*.  Identification and Characterization of Pheromone Receptors and Interplay between Receptors and Pheromone Binding Proteins in the Diamondback Moth, Plutella xyllostella. PLoS ONE. 2013, 8(4): e62098. doi:10.1371/ journal. pone.0062098

30.  Sun M, Y Liu, GR Wang*. Expression patterns and binding properties of three pheromone binding proteins in the diamondback moth, Plutella xyllotella. J Insect Physiology. 2013, 59: 46-55

31.  Yang Liu, Shaohua Gu, Yongjun Zhang, Yuyuan Guo, Guirong Wang*. Candidate Olfaction Genes Identified within the Helicoverpa armigera Antennal Transcriptome. PLoS One. 2012 7(10): e48260. doi: 10.1371/ journal.pone. 0048260

32.  Wang GR, Vasquez GM, Schal C Zwiebel LJ, Gould F. Functional characterization of pheromone receptors in the tobacco budworm Heliothis virescens. Insect Molecular Biology. 2011, 20:125-133.

33.  Wang GR, Allison Carey, John R. Carlson and Laurence J. Zwiebel. The Molecular Basis of Odor Coding in Malaria Vector Mosquito Anopheles gambiae. PNAS. 2010, 107(9):4418-23

34.  Allison Carey, Guirong Wang, Chih-Ying Su, Laurence J. Zwiebel, and John R. Carlson. Odorant reception in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae. Nature. 2010 464(7285):66-71

35.  Wang GR, Y.T. Qiu, T. Lu, H. Kwon, R. J. Pitts, J.J. van Loon, W. Takken and L.J. Zwiebel. Anopheles gambiae TRPA1 is a heat-activated channel expressed in thermosensitive sensilla of female antennae. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2009, 30: 967-974

36.  Y.F. Xia, Wang GR (first co-author), D Buscariollo, R.J. Pitts, H. Wegner and L.J. Zwiebel. The Molecular and Cellular Basis of Olfactory Behavior in Anopheles gambiae Larvae. PNAS. 2008, 105(17):6433-8

37.  T. Lu, YT. Qiu, Wang GR (first co-author), J.Y. Young, M. Rutzler, H.W. Kwon, R. J. Pitts, J. J.A. van Loon, J. R. Carlson, W. Takken, and L. J. Zwiebel. Odor Coding in the Maxillary Palp of the Malaria Vector Mosquito Anopheles gambiae. Current Biology. 2007, 17(18): 1533-1544