
Ma Chun-Sen

English NameChun-Sen MA



Academic TitleProfessor, Dr.
DepartmentDepartment of Agricultural Insects
GroupFruit Tree Pest Management Group

Supervisor for Master & PhD students in

Graduate School of CAAS

Hebei University

University of Rennes 1, France

Wageningen University, Netherland

Education and Working Experience


1996 – 2000 Universität Hannover, Germany, doctor candidate, entomology and pest management

Dissertation: Modeling and simulation the population dynamics of cereal aphids in north Germany

1986 – 1989 Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, MSc candidate, Entomology and pest management

Thesis: Population dynamics, thermal reactions and overwintering of the diamondback moth

1979 – 1983 Shanxi Agricultural University, Bachelor's degree, Plant Protection

Thesis: Population dynamics of cereal aphids in winter wheat field

Professional experience

2011-present: Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Professor, Head of Climate Change Biology Research Group

Investigating biological consequence of climate warming and adaptation to climate warming in insects

Developing monitoring and integrated pest management systems for fruit tree insects

2006-2011: Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Professor, Head of Environment Friendly Pest Management Group

Investigating impact of climate warming and behavior adaptation of insects to climate change

Developing environment friendly pest management approaches

Developing general simulation model for population dynamics of insects

2001-2005: Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Associate professor, Head of Environment friendly Pest Management Research Group; Deputy director of Key Laboratory of Biological Control, Ministry of Agriculture

Investigating impacts of climate warming on insects

Modeling population dynamics of cereal aphids

Developing environment friendly pest management approaches

1989-1996: Institute of Plant Protection, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences,

Junior Investigator, Biological Control Research Group

Developing technology for mass production of parasitoids Trichogramma to control pest in corn field

Investigating diapause of and long term storage technology of Trichogramma

Investigating field release technology of Trichogramma

Research Area

Interesting fields: climate change ecology, thermal biology, modeling of population dynamics, pest management

Model species: grape pests (Drosophila suzukii), cereal aphids (Sitobion avenae, Rhopalosiphum padi, Schizaphis graminum, Metopolophium dirhodum), the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella), the peach fruit moth (Carposina sasaki), the oriental fruit moth (Grapholita molesta), ladybird beetles

Research Area: Our group aim to discover potential impacts of complicated natural changes in temperature on pests, predators and their interactions. We are 1) analyzing the features of temperature changes under climate warming in different seasons and locations in important agricultural regions; 2) exploring life history and demographic changes of insect populations by exposing insects to fluctuating temperatures closed to nature with groups of climate chambers, open top chambers, field surveys and meta-analysis; 3) investigating consequences of insect adaptation to extreme temperatures through behavioral thermoregulation, phenotypical plasticity, ecological evolution and the underlying mechanisms in physiological, biochemical and molecular level; 4) modeling geographic distributions and population dynamics of agricultural pests which can reflect the impacts of climate change; 5) developing practical technologies for pest prediction and management to reduce the chemical applications in grape gardens, apple orchards, wheat and vegetable fields.

Grands & Awards (recent years)

2017- CARS: The earmarked fund for CARS (China Agricultural Research System) in insect pest management of grape vein

2017- CAAS: The construction and management of database for plant pests and diseases

2022-2025 NKPs (China’s National Key R&D Programs): Development of multi-source databases and prediction models for major pests

2018-2021 NKPs (China’s National Key R&D Programs): Development of technologies to reduce pesticide application in pear and peach production

2017-2021 NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China): Population dynamics of cereal aphid under climate change based on phenotypic plasticity and genetic variation. (Key Funded Projects of International Cooperation)

2018-2021 NSFC: Interspecific interaction between the grain aphid Sitobion avenae and the ladybeetle Propylea japonica mediated by aphid behavioural thermoregulation under climate warming.

2015-2018 NSFC: Overwintering survival and geographic distribution of the diamondback moth under climate change in China.

Editorial board and reviewer

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Associate editor for physiological ecology)

Current Research in Insect Science (Editorial board)

PLoS Climate (Editorial board)

Biology (Editorial board)

Review grand applications from Research Grants Council in Hong Kong, the National Natural Scientific Foundation of China and Italy foundations.

Review manuscripts for many journals such as PNAS, Global Change Biology, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Evolutionary Applications, Oikos, Journal of Experimental Biology, and many journals in entomology, such as Journal of Pest Sciences, Entomologia Generalis, Current Research in Insect Science, Pest Management Sciences, Journal of Insect Physiology, Insect science, Insects, Physiological Entomology, Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, Journal of Economic Entomology, Journal of Applied Entomology, Applied Entomology and Zoology, Bulletin of Entomological Research, Crop Protection, Insect molecular biology, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, PLOS climate, PloS one.


  1. Wang XJ, Ma CS* 2022. Challenge generality of prediction based on Jensen’s inequality: Moderate and large temperature fluctuationscan lead to opposite performance deviation at high mean temperature. Entomologia Generalis, Vol. 42 (2022), Issue 5, 681–689.

  2. Harvey JA, Tougeron K, Gols R ……Ma,CS, Ma G……Chown SL. 2022. Scientists’ warning on climate change and insects. Ecological Monographs. 2022;e1553.

  3. Zhu L, Xue Q, Ma G, Ma CS* 2022 Climate warming exacerbates plant disease through enhancing commensal interaction of co-infested insect vectors. Journal of Pest Science,

  4. Wang XJ, Ma CS* 2022. Can laboratory-reared aphid populations reflect the thermal performance of field populations in studies on pest science and climate change biology? Journal of Pest Science

  5. Yin W, Hoffmann AA, Bai CM, and Ma CS*. 2022. A conservative oviposition preference in spider mites for complex habitats as a preventive strategy for reducing predation risk. Entomologia Generalis,

  6. Nyamukondiwa C*, Machekano H, Chidawanyika F, Mutamiswa R, Ma G and Ma CS* 2022. Geographic dispersion of invasive crop pests: the role of basal, plastic climate stress tolerance and other complementary traits in the tropics. Current Opinion in Insect Science 50:100878.

  7. Ma G. and Ma CS* 2022. Potential distribution of invasive crop pests under climate change: incorporating mitigation responses of insects into prediction models. 2021, Current Opinion in Insect Science, 49:15-21.

  8. Majeed MZ*, Sayed S, Zhang B, Raza A and Ma CS, 2022. Bacterial symbionts confer thermal tolerance to cereal aphids Rhopalosiphum padi and Sitobion avenae. Insects 13:231.

  9. Wang BX, Hof AR, Ma CS 2022 Impacts of climate change on crop production, pests and pathogens of wheat and rice. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 9(1):4-18.

  10. Li RN, Zhu L*, Ma CS. 2022. Occurrence and IPM strategies of small insect pests in vineyard. Sino-Overseas Grapevine & Wine, 2022(06):76-82.

  11. Bai X, Zhang W, Ma CS*. 2022. Construction and application of diagnosis system for peach tree branch diseases and insect pests. Deciduous Fruits, 54(1):57-60.

  12. Lin QC, Zhu L*, Ma G, Ma CS. 2022. Biological characteristics and comprehensive management of Cadra figulilella. China Fruits, 2022, 09:75-77.

  13. Wang CX, Qi X, Ma G, Zhu L, Wang BX, Ma CS* 2022. Intelligent identification system of grape diseases based on YOLO V3. Plant Protection, 48(6):278-288.

  14. Ma CS*, Zhang W*, Peng Y, Zhao F, Chang XQ, Xing K, Zhu L, Ma G, Yang HP, Rudolf VHW. 2021. Climate warming promotes pesticide resistance through expanding overwintering range of a global pest. Nature Communications, 12, 5351 (2021).

  15. Ma CS*, Ma G, Pincebourde S. Survive a Warming Climate: Insect Responses to Extreme High Temperatures. Annual Review of Entomology, 2021, 66: 163-184. Altmetric score 102, Top 1.4%

  16. Zhu L, Hoffmann AA, Li SM, Ma CS*. 2021. Extreme climate shifts pest dominance hierarchy through thermal evolution and transgenerational plasticity. Functional Ecology, 2021, 35:1524-1537. (Functional Ecology Spotlight Kingsolver et al. 2021)

  17. Ma G, Bai CM, Rudolf VHW, Ma CS*. 2021. Night warming alters mean warming effects on predator–prey interactions by modifying predator demographics and interaction strengths. Functional Ecology, 2021, 35:2094–2107.

  18. Ma G, Hoffmann AA, Ma CS*. 2021. Are extreme high temperatures at low or high latitudes more likely to inhibit the population growth of a globally distributed aphid? Journal of Thermal Biology, 2021, 98: 102936.

  19. Su YZ, Li XR, Zhang W, Zhang B*, Ma CS*. 2021. Dynamics of heat shock protein responses to thermal stress changes after metamorphosis in a lepidopteran insect. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, e21791.

  20. Ma G, Lin QC, Li JL, Ma CS*. 2021. Biological characteristics and management of grape phelloxera. China Fruits, 2021(9):78-81.

  21. Ma G, Li JL, Lin QC, Ma CS*. 2021. Biological characteristics and control measures of Lobesia botran, Sino-Overseas Grapevine & Wine, 2021, 03:63-65.

  22. Xue Q, Ma CS*. 2020. Aged virgin adults respond to extreme heat events with phenotypic plasticity in an invasive species, Drosophila suzukii. Journal of Insect Physiology, 121: 104016.

  23. Ma G, Le Lann C, van Baaren J, Ma CS*. (2020) Night warming affecting interspecific Interactions: implications for biological control. In: Gao Y., Hokkanen H., Menzler-Hokkanen I. (eds) Integrative Biological Control. Progress in Biological Control, vol 20. Springer, Cham.

  24. Xue Q, Ma G, Li JL, Zhang W, Ma CS*. 2020. Vineyard insect pest management with natural enemies. China Fruits, 2020(1):19-21, 26.

  25. Bai CM, Ma, G*, Cai WZ and Ma CS* 2019. Independent and combined effects of daytime heat stress and night-time recovery determine thermal performance. Biology Open 8: bio038141.

  26. Krouholé Abdoul Salam Coulibaly, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed, Chao Chen, Kolo YEO, Wei Shi* and Ma CS*. 2019. Insights into the maternal ancestry of Côte d’Ivoire honeybees using the intergenic region COI-COII. Insects 10, 90:

  27. Xue Q, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed, Zhang W, Ma CS* 2019. Adaptation of Drosophila species to climate change - A literature review since 2003 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019 18(4): 805–814.

  28. Chen YY, Zhang W, Ma G, Ma CS* 2019. More stressful event does not always depress subsequent life performance. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019, 18(10): 2321–2329.

  29. Zhu L, Wang L, Ma CS* 2019. Sporadic short temperature events cannot be neglected in predicting impacts of climate change on small insects. Journal of Insect Physiology 112 (2019) 48–56.

  30. Zhao F, Xing K, Hoffmann AA and Ma CS* 2019. The importance of timing of heat events for predicting the dynamics of aphid pest populations. Pest Management Science 75: 1866–1874.

  31. Xing K, Hoffmann AA, Zhao F*, Ma CS* 2019 Wide diurnal temperature variation inhibits larval development and adult reproduction in the diamondback moth. Journal of Thermal Biology, 84: 8-15.

  32. Ma G, Li JL, Zhang W, Ma CS*. 2019. Occurrence and control of Brevipalpus lewisi (Acari: Tenuipalpidae). Deciduous Fruits, 51(06):44-45.

  33. Zhang W, Ma G, Zhang B, Ma CS*. 2019. Pheromone and application in control of grape scarab pests. Shanxi Fruits. 2019(01):11-16.

  34. Ma G, Li JL, Zhang W, Ma CS*. 2019. Main phytophagous mites in vineyards and their control techniques. Shanxi Fruits. 2019(06):88-90.

  35. Ma G, Li JL, Ma CS*. 2019. Research progress on Heterobostrychus hamatipennis. China Plant Protection. 39(10):20-26.

  36. Ma CS*, Lin Wang, Zhang W, Volker H. W. Rudolf (2018) Resolving biological impacts of multiple heat waves: interaction of hot and recovery days. Oikos, 127: 622–633.

  37. Ma G, Bai CM, Wang XJ, Majeed Muhammad Z, Ma CS* (2018) Behavioural thermoregulation alters microhabitat utilization and demographic rates in ectothermic invertebrates. Animal Behaviour, 142: 49-57.

  38. Yin WD, Hoffmann AA, Gu XB, Ma CS* (2018) Behavioral thermoregulation in a small herbivore avoids direct UVB damage. Journal of Insect Physiology, 107: 276–283.

  39. Majeed MZ*, Riaz MA, Khan MA, Ma CS, Ahmad S (2018) Pathogenicity of indigenous soil isolate of Bacillus thuringiensis to Helicoverpa armigera Hübner 1809 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control (2018) 28:38.

  40. Majeed MZ*, Nawaz MI, Khan RR, Farooq U and Ma CS (2018) Insecticidal effects of Acetone, Ethanol and Aqueous extracts of Azadirachta indica (A. Juss), Citrus aurantium (L.), Citrus sinensis (L.) and Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Dehnh.) against mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, 21 (2018): 421 – 430.

  41. Majeed MZ, Naveed M, Riaz MA, Ma CS, Afzal M (2018) Differential impact of pesticides and biopesticides on edaphic invertebrate communities in a citrus agroecosystem. ISI-Invertabrate Survival Journal 15: 31-38.

  42. Zhang B, Ma G, Zhang W, Ma CS*. 2018. Occurrence and control of grape mealybugs. Deciduous Fruits, 50(3):44-45.

  43. Bai CM, Ma G, Zhang W, Zhang B, Ma CS*. 2018. Application of non-chemical methods for grape pest management. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 46(30):8-9,12.

  44. Zhang W, Bai CM, Ma G, Zhang B, Ma CS*. Research progress on borer pest in grape. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences. 2018, 46(28):25-28,55.

  45. Zhang B, Ma G, Zhang W, Ma CS*. 2018. Social wasps management in vineyard of North America. China Fruits, 2018(06):111-113.

  46. Du XJ, Ma CS, Ji GQ, Wu XQ, Zhang JR. 2018. Composition and temporal dynamic of Prunus persica flower-visiting insect community from various habitats. Journal of Jilin Forestry Science and Technology. 47(4):17-23.

  47. Cheng XB, Zhang B, Ma CS*. 2018. The spatiotemporal population dynamics of Sitobion avenae in several sites and general prediction. Journal of Environmental Entomology, 40(02):374-379.

  48. Ma G, Tian BL, Zhao F, Wei GS, Hoffmann AA, Ma CS* (2017) Soil moisture conditions determine phenology and success of larval escape in the peach fruit moth, Carposina sasakii (Lepidoptera, Carposinidae): implications for predicting drought effects on a diapausing insect. Applied Soil Ecology 110: 65-72.

  49. Majeed MZ, Fiaz M, Ma CS, Afzal M 2017 Entomopathogenicity of Three Muscardine Fungi, Beauveria bassiana, Isaria fumosorosea and Metarhizium anisopliae, against the Asian Citrus Psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 27(2): 211-215.

  50. Du XJ*, Witzgall P, Wu KM, Yan FM, Ma CS, Zheng H, Xu F, Ji GQ, Wu XH (2017) Volatiles from Prunus persica flowers and their correlation with flower-visiting insect community in Wanbailin Ecological Garden, China. Advances in Entomology, 6:116-133.

  51. Fei Zhao, Ary A. Hoffmann, Kun Xing, Chun-Sen Ma* (2017) Life stages of an aphid living under similar thermal conditions differ in thermal performance. Journal of Insect Physiology

  52. Bo Zhang, Fei Zhao, Ary A. Hoffmann, Gang Ma, Hui-Mei Ding, Chun-Sen Ma*  (2016) Warming accelerates carbohydrate consumption in the diapausing overwintering peach fruit moth Carposina sasakii (Lepidoptera: Carposinidae). Environmental Entomology 45(5), 1287-1293.

  53. Bo Zhang, Yu Peng, Jin-Cheng Zheng, Li-Na Liang, Ary A. Hoffmann, Chun-Sen Ma* (2016) Response of heat shock protein genes of the oriental fruit moth under diapause and thermal stress reveals multiple patterns dependent on the nature of stress exposure. Cell Stress and Chaperones 21:653-663.

  54. Bo Zhang, Jing-Cheng Zheng, Li-Na Liang, Susan Fuller, Chun-Sen Ma* (2016) The complete mitochondrial genome of Sitobion avenae(Hemiptera: Aphididae). Mitochondrial DNA, 27(2), 945-946.

  55. Bo Zhang, Yu Peng, Xiang-Jian Zhao, Ary A. Hoffmann, Rui Li, Chun-Sen Ma* (2016) Emergence of the overwintering generation of peach fruit moth (Carposina sasakii) depends on diapause and spring soil temperatures. Journal of Insect Physiology 86:32–39.

  56. Xiao-Fan Yang, Fan Fan, Chun-Sen Ma, Chong Wang, Guo-Shu Wei (2016) Effect of host plants on the development, survivorship and reproduction of Grapholita molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) under laboratory conditions. Austral Entomology 55(4):433-438.

  57. Gang Ma & Chun-Sen Ma* (2016) The impacts of extreme high temperature on insect populations under climate change: a review. Scientia Sinica Vitae 46(5): 556564.

  58. Kun Xing, Fei Zhao, Yu Peng, Xiang-Qian Chang, Chun-Sen Ma* (2016) Typical migration pathways analysis of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella in China in 2009. Journal of Environmental Entomology. 38(5):896-902.

  59. Zhen-Yu Li, Huan-Yu Chen, Hua-Li Bao, Zhen-Di, Hu, Fei Yin, Qing-Sheng Lin, Xiao-Mao Zhou, Qing-Jun Wu, Ai-Dong Chen, Yi-Dong Wu, You-Ming Hou, Yu-Rong He, Jian-Hong Li, Sheng-Hua Xie, Jin-Ming, Zhang, Wei Fu, Chun-Sen Ma, Xia Feng (2016) Progress in research on managing regional pesticide resistance in the diamondback moth in China. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology. 53(2): 247-255.

  60. Wei Zhang, Volker H. W. Rudolf, Chun-Sen Ma* (2015) Stage-specific heat effects: timing and duration of heat waves alter demographic rates of a global insect pest. Oecologia 179:947–957.

  61. He-Ping Yang, Chun-Sen Ma, Hui Wen, Qing-Bin Zhan, Xin-Li Wang* (2015) A tool for developing an automatic insect identification system based on wing outlines. Scientific Reports, 5:12786

  62. Gang Ma, Volker H. W. Rudolf, Chun-Sen Ma* (2015) Extreme temperature events alter demographic rates, relative fitness, and community structure. Global Change Biology 21, 1794–1808.

  63. Wei Zhang, Xiang-Qian Chang, Ary A. Hoffmann, Shu Zhang*, Chun-Sen Ma* (2015) Impact of hot events at different developmental stages of a moth: the closer to adult stage, the less reproductive output. Scientific Reports, 5:10436.

  64. Ma Gang, Hoffmann A. Ary, Chun-Sen Ma* (2015) Daily temperature extremes play an important role in predicting thermal effects. Journal of Experimental Biology, 218(14)2289-2296.

  65. Bo Zhang, Jin-Cheng Zheng, Yu Peng, Xiao-Xia Liu, Ary A. Hoffmann, Chun-Sen Ma* (2015) Stress responses of small heat shock protein genes in Lepidoptera point to limited conservation of function across phylogeny. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0132700.

  66. Xing Kun, Ma Chun-Sen, Zhao Fei*, Han Jv-Cai* (2015) Effects of large temperature fluctuations on hatching and subsequent development of the diamondback moth (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae). Florida Entomologist 98(2):651-659.

  67. Bo Zhang, Jing-Cheng Zheng, Li-Na Liang, Susan Fuller, Chun-Sen Ma* (2015) The complete mitochondrial genome of Sitobion avenae (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Mitochondrial DNA,

  68. Li-Na Sun, Gui-Sheng Qiu, Li Cui, Chun-Sen Ma, Hui-Zhu Yuan* (2015) Molecular characterization of a ryanodine receptor gene from Spodoptera exigua and its upregulation by chlorantraniliprole. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 123: 56–63.

  69. Kun Xing, Fei Zhao, Ju-Cai Han, Chun-Sen Ma* (2015) Effects of temperature fluctuation on life history traits of different developmental stages of the diamonback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae). Acta Entomologica Sinica 58:160-168

  70. Pei Xiu-Qing, Liu Hui-Ping, Zhao Fei, Zhang Wei, Ma Chun-Sen* (2015) The influence of low temperature pretreatment on the lethal effect of imidacloprid to Sitobion avenae. Plant Protection 41(2):44-48

  71. Sun Li-Na, Zhang Huai-Jiang, Yan Wen-Tao, Ma Chun-Sen, Qiu Gui-Sheng* (2015) Molecular cloning and expression profiling of a ryanodine receptor gene in the peach fruit moth (Carposina sasakii). Scientia Agricultura Sinica 48:1971-1981

  72. Fei Zhao, Wei Zhang, Ary A. Hoffmann and Chun-Sen Ma* (2014) Night warming on hot days produces novel impacts on development, survival and reproduction in a small arthropod. Journal of Animal Ecology 83:769-778. (F1000 Prime)

  73. Li-Na Liang, Wei Zhang, Gang Ma, Ary A. Hoffmann, Chun-Sen Ma* (2014) A single hot event stimulates adult performance but reduces egg survival in the oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta. PLoS ONE  9 (12): e116339.

  74. Kun Xing, Ary A. Hoffmann and Chun-Sen Ma* (2014) Does thermal variability experienced at the egg stage influence life history traits across life cycle stages in a small invertebrate? PLoS ONE 9(6):e99500.

  75. Chun-Sen Ma*, Gang Ma, Fei Zhao (2014) Impact of global warming on cereal aphids. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 51:1435-1443

  76. Yu-Feng Liu, Xiao-Fan Yang, Chong Wang, Yan Cui, Xiao-Xia Liu, Chun-Sen Ma, Guo-Shu Wei* (2014) Comparison of the trapping efficiencies of lures based on the sex pheromones of two fruit moth species and a combination of the sex pheromones of each species. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 51: 834-841

  77. Xiao-Fan Yang, Chun-Sen Ma, Fan Fan, Yu-Feng Liu, Na Feng, Qian Li, Guo-Shu Wei* (2014) Effect of colours on oviposition preference of the oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta Busck. Acta Ecologica Sinica 34:2971-2977

  78. Rui Li, Fei Zhao, Yu Peng, Li-Na Liang, Bo Zhang, Jv-Cai Han*, Chun-Sen Ma* 2014 Effects of diapause inducing thermo period on the physiological indices of diapause larvae of Carposina sasakii (Lepidoptera: Carposinidae). Acta Entomologica Sinica 57:639-646

  79. Chao-Xue Wang*, Tao Zhang, Chun-Sen Ma 2014. Improved SMOTE algorithm for imbalanced datasets. Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology 8(6):727-734

  80. Wei Zhang, Fei Zhao, Ary A. Hoffmann and Chun-Sen Ma* (2013) A single hot event that does not affect survival but decreases reproduction in the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella. PLoS ONE 8(10):e75923.

  81. Wan-Dong Yin, Gui-Sheng Qiu*, Wen-Tao Yan, Li-Na Sun, Huai-Jiang Zhang, Chun-Sen Ma and Uzokwe Pauline Adaobi (2013) Age-stage two-sex life tables of Panonychus ulmi (Acari: Tetranychidae), on different apple varieties. Journal of Economic Entomology 106:2118-2125.

  82. Kun Xing, Chun-Sen Ma and Ju Cai Han* (2013) Evidence of long distance migration of diamondback moth (DBM) Plutella xylostella: A review. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 24:1769-1776.

  83. Xiao-Fan Yang, Na Feng, Yu-Feng Liu, Fan Fan, Chun-Sen Ma and Guo-Shu Wei* (2013) Effects of different colour backgrounds on spawning biology of Grapholita molesta. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica 40:200-204

  84. Lin Wang and Chun-Sen Ma* (2013) Impacts of periodic repeated heat events on ecological performance in insects. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 50: 1499-1508

  85. Bao-Liang Tian, Chun-Sen Ma, De-Cang Kong, Cun-Peng Zhao and Guo-Shu Wei* (2012) The fruit moth population monitoring and control technique in different orchards. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica 39:7-12

  86. Xiang-Qian Chang, Chun-Sen Ma*, Shu Zhang, Liang Lu (2012) Thermal tolerance of diamondback moth Plutella xylostella. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 23: 772-778

  87. Chao-Xue Wang, Xing Zhang, Chang-Hua Li, Chun-Sen Ma, Zheng-Mao Pan (2012) A novel differential evolution algorithm with multi-strategy differential mutation mechanism. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 7(1):509-512.

  88. Gang Ma and Chun-Sen Ma* (2012) Differences in the nocturnal flight activity of insect pests and beneficial predatory insects recorded by light traps: possible use of a beneficial-friendly trapping strategy for controlling insect pests. European Journal of Entomology 109:395-401.

  89. Wan-Dong Yin, Wen-Tao Yan, Gui-Sheng Qiu*, Huai-Jiang Zhang, Chun-Sen Ma, Kun Wang and Yuan Gao, Qiang Yue (2012) Advances in research on resistant identification and mechanism of apple varieties to mites. Chinese Journal of Agriculture 2012(2):11-17

  90. Gang Ma and Chun-Sen Ma* (2012) Climate warming may increase aphids’ dropping probabilities in response to high temperatures. Journal of Insect Physiology 58:1456-1462.

  91. Wan-Dong Yin, Wen-Tao Yan, Gui-Sheng Qiu*, Huai-Jiang Zhang, Chun-Sen Ma (2012) Age-stage two-sex life tables of the experimental population of Panonychus ulmi (Acari: Tetranychidae) on apples Malus sieversii subsp. kirghisorum and M. domestica Golden Delicious. Acta Entomologica Sinica 55: 1230-1238

  92. Gang Ma and Chun-Sen Ma* (2012) Effect of acclimation on heat-escape temperatures of two aphid species: Implications for estimating behavioral response of insects to climate warming.  Journal of Insect Physiology  58: 303-309.

  93. Li Liu, He-Ping Yang, Fei Zhao, Gang Ma and Chun-Sen Ma* (2011) Simplified identification system for fruit borers in northern China. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 48:1894-1904

  94. He-Ping Yang, Gang Ma and Chun-Sen Ma* (2011) A web system for crop pest prediction based on a database of forecast models in China. Journal of Environmental Entomology 33:1-7

  95. Xia Feng, Zhen-Yu Li, Qing-Jun Wu, Ai-Dong Shen, Yi-Dong Wu, You-Ming Hou, Yu-Rong He, Jian-Hong Li, Sheng-Hua Xie, Jin-Ming Zhang, Wei Fu and Chun-Sen Ma (2011). Research progress of the resistance management and sustainable control of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) in China. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 48:247-253

  96. Hui-Mei Ding, Gang Ma, San-An Wu, Fei Zhao, Chun-Sen Ma* (2011) A literature review on changes of small molecules of diapause insects during overwintering period. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 48:1060-1070

  97. Chun-Sen Ma*, Peng He, Gang Ma and He-Ping Yang (2011) Simplified identification model and an expert system for long-distance diagnosis of diseases and pests. Plant Protection 37:165-169

  98. Jing-Jing Li, Gang Ma, Min Huang, Fei Zhao, He-Ping Yang and Chun-Sen Ma* (2011) Inhibitory effects of short-term high-temperature pulse on Aphis and the application in its control. China Plant Protection 31:10-13

  99. Chun-Sen Ma*, Gang Ma and He-Ping Yang (2010) Overwintering of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella in temperate countries. Acta Ecologica Sinica 30:3628-3636

  100. Yu Chen and Chun-Sen Ma* (2010) Effect of global warming on insect: a literature review. Acta Ecologica Sinica 30:2159-2172

  101. Chun-Sen Ma*, Gang Ma, Shu-Hong Zhang and He-Ping Yang (2010) Studies on control of the diamondback moth with extracts of home-used aromatic plants. Journal of Environmental Entomology 32: 66-72

  102. Chun-Sen Ma*, Gang Ma, Xiang-Qian Chang and He-Ping Yang (2009) Environment-friendly methods for trapping cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera. Journal of Environmental Entomology 31:219-225

  103. Chun-Sen Ma*, Gang Ma, Xiang-Qian Chang (2008) Review of research and application in agricultural pest management with extreme high temperature. Journal of Environmental Entomology 30:257-264

  104. Yao Du, Chun-Sen Ma*, Qing-Hua Zhao, Gang Ma and He-Ping Yang (2007) Effects of heat stress on physiological and biochemical mechanisms of insects: a literature review. Acta Ecologica Sinica 27:1565-1572

  105. Gang Ma and Chun-Sen Ma* (2007) Behavioral responses of bird cherry oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi, to temperature gradients. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica 34:624-630

  106. Gang Ma and Chun-Sen Ma* (2007) Upper critical temperatures for behaviors of three species of cereal aphids in leaf temperature gradients. Acta Ecologica Sinica 27:2449-2459

  107. Chun-Sen Ma* and Yu-Wen Chen (2006) Effects of constant temperature, exposure period, and age on diapause induction in Trichogramma dendrolimi. Biological Control 36:267-273.

  108. Chun-Sen Ma*, Gang Ma, Yao Du and He-Ping Yang (2005) Current status and future perspectives for behavioural response of insects to temperature gradient. Acta Ecologica Sinica 25:2940-2946

  109. Chun-Sen Ma* and Yu-Wen Chen (2005) Effect of alternative temperature on diapause induction of Trichogramma dendrolimi. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica 32:174-178

  110. Chun-Sen Ma* and He-Ping Yang (2005) Information searching system for natural enemies of agricultural insect pests in China. Chinese Journal of Biological Control 21:159-162

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  1. Ma CS, Zhang W, Zhang QE, 2022. Methods for scientific monitoring major diseases and insect pests of wheat crops 2022. Hans Press, ISBN:978-1-64997-540-9. (in Chinese)

  2. Zhu L, Ma G. Zhang W. and Ma CS, 2022. Colorful Images and Control Methods of Major Grape Pests in China. 2022. China Agricultural Science and Technology Press. ISBN 978-7-5116-5996-5. (in Chinese)

  3. Fan RJ, Li J. Ma CS, 2015. Biology, ecology, field occurrence pattern and management of fruit borers in northern China. China Agricultural Press. 289 pages, 428,000 words. ISBN:978-7-109-20147-7 (in Chinese)

  4. Xu YL, Zheng DW, Liu XY, Zhao YX, Ma CS Li K. et al. 2014. Studies on critical issues of Agricultural adaptation to climate change in China. China Meteorological Press ISBN:978-7-5029-6072-8 (in Chinese)

  5. Zhang GL, Cao AC, Fu WD…Ma, CS…2010, Guide for emergency control technologies of major alien invasive organisms in agriculture. China Scientific Press, ISBN:978-7-03-026230-1 (in Chinese)

  6. Ma CS, 2000. Modelling and Simulation of the Cereal Aphid Metopolophium dirhodum in northern Germany. ISBN 3-88120-319-2 Verlag Franzbecker, Hildesheim, Berlin. 2000