
English Name:CAO Aocheng
Academic Title:Professor
Supervisor:Master Supervisor, PhD Supervisor
Department:Department of Pesticide Sciences
Group:Pesticide Biology Group
Education and Working Experience:

Bachelor of Agronomy from the Department of Plant Protection, Huazhong Agricultural University , China , in 1983;

Master of Agronomy, majored in pesticide science, Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, in 2000;

Doctor of Philosophy in science, majored in pesticide science, College of Science, China Agricultural University, in 2006.
Research Area:

   Current work focuses:


   IPM of soil-borne diseases in strawberry, tomato, cucumber and ginger, etc.

   Application technology of pesticides

   Control of alien invasive plants

Have published more than 100 papers and obtained more than 30 national patents for invention.

Publications in recent three years:

1.     Flame soil disinfestation: A novel, promising, non-chemical method to control soilborne nematodes, fungal and bacterial pathogens in China. Crop Protection 83 (2016) 90e94, Aocheng Cao (correspondence author); Liangang Mao, Qiuxia Wang, Dongdong Yan, Yuan Li, Canbin Ouyang, Meixia Guo.

2.     Application of the combination of 1,3-dichloropropene and dimethyl disulfide by soil injection or chemigation: effects against soilborne pests in cucumber in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2015,15, 61065-6, Aocheng Cao (correspondence author); Mao Liangang, Wang Qiuxia, Yan Dongdong, Liu Pengfei, Shen Jin, Fang Wensheng, Hu Xiaomei, Li Yuan, Ouyang Canbin, Guo Meixia.

3.     Evaluation of antibacterial and antifungal properties of 9-oxo-10,11-dehydroageraphorone extracted from Eupatorium Adenophorum. J Plant Dis Prot DOI 10.1007/s41348-016-0006-3. Aocheng Cao (correspondence author); Xiaoman Liu1 Canbin Ouyang1  Qiuxia Wang1 Yuan Li1 Dongdong YanDongsheng Yang2 Meixia Guo.

4.     Highly sensitive and selective spectrofluorimetric determination of nitrite in food products with a novel fluorogenic probe. Food Control 63 (2016) 117e121. Qiuhua Wang a, b, Sufang Ma b, Haiwei Huang a, Aocheng Cao; Minfeng Li ; Lan He.

5.     Evaluation of Methyl Bromide Alternatives Efficacy against Soil-Borne Pathogens, Nematodes and Soil Microbial Community. Plos One. February 27, 2015 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0117980. Aocheng Cao (correspondence author); Xie Hongwei; Yan Dongdong; Mao Liangang; Wang Qiuxia; Li Yuan; Ouyang Canbin; Guo Meixia

6.     Chloropicrin Emission Reduction by Soil Amendment with Biochar. Plos One, 2015. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0129448. Aocheng Cao (correspondence author); Qiuxia Wang, Dongdong Yan, Pengfei Liu, Liangang Mao, Dong Wang, Wensheng Fang, Yuan Li, Canbin Ouyang, Meixia Guo, Aocheng Cao.

7.     Modification of D-π-A chromophore for the improvement of solubility in water. Materials Letters, 2015, 161, 193196. Canbin Ouyang, Li Xiaobing, Aocheng Cao*.

8.     Synthesis of water soluble chromophore with A–π–D–π–Astructures. Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics. 2015,1-4. Canbin Ouyang, Jian Zhou, Min Wang, Li Guo, Aocheng Cao*.

9.     Interaction between nitrification, denitrification and nitrous oxide production in fumigated soils , Atmospheric Environment, DOI: doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.09.079, Aocheng Cao (correspondence author), Dongdong Yan, Qiuxia Wang, Liangang Mao, Taotao Ma, Yuan Li, Canbin Ouyang Meixia Guo

10.  Toxicity Assessment of Cadinene Sesquiterpenes from Eupatorium adenophorum in Mice, Natural Products and Bioprospecting, DOI 10.1007/s13659-014-0050-2, Aocheng Cao (correspondence author), Canbin Ouyang, Xiaoman Liu, Qi Liu, Jie Bai, Houyong Li, Yuan Li, Qiu-Xia Wang, Dongdong Yan, Liangang Mao, Meixia Guo

11.  Quantification of Fusarium oxysporum in fumigated soils by a newly developed real-time PCR assay to assess the efficacy of fumigants for Fusarium wilt disease in strawberry plants. Pest Manag Sci. 2014, 70: 1669–1675, Aocheng Cao (correspondence author), Yuan Li, Liangang Mao, Dongdong Yan, Taotao Ma, Jin Shen, Meixia Guo, Qiuxia Wang, Canbin Ouyang

12.  Emission Reduction of 1,3-Dichloropropene by Soil Amendment with Biochar, J. Environ. Qual. 2014, 43: 1656-1662. Aocheng Cao (correspondence author), Qiuxia Wang, Liangang Mao, Dong Wang, Dongdong Yan, Taotao Ma, Pengfei Liu, Chenglei Zhang, Ruoqi Wang, Meixia Guo

13.  Evaluation of Chloropicrin as a Soil Fumigant against Ralstonia solanacarum in Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) Production in China, Plos One, 2014,9(3):1-7. Aocheng Cao (correspondence author), Liangang Mao, Qiuxia Wang Dongdong Yan1, Taotao Ma, Pengfei Liu, Jin Shen, Yuan Li, Canbin Ouyang, Meixia Guo.

14.  Evaluation of the Combination of Dimethyl Disulfide and Dazomet as an Efficient Methyl Bromide Alternative for Cucumber Production in China. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2014,62,4864−4869, Aocheng Cao(correspondence author), Liangang Mao, Dongdong Yan, Qiuxia Wang, Yuan Li, Canbin Ouyang, Pengfei Liu, Jin Shen, Meixia Guo.

15.  Evaluation of sulfuryl fluoride as a soil fumigant in China. Pest Management Science. 2014,70(2):219-27, Cao Aocheng, Guo Meixia, Yan Dongdong, Mao Liangang, Wang Qiuxia, Li Yuan, Duan Xiayu, Wang P.

16. Control of Soilborne Pathogens of Zingiber officinale Roscoe by Methyl Iodide and Chloropicrin in China. Plant Disease. 2014, 98(3):384-388, Aocheng Cao (correspondence author), Yuan Li, Lida Chi, Liangang Mao, Dongdong Yan, Zhuanfang Wu, Taotao Ma, Meixia Guo, Qiuxia Wang, Canbin Ouyang

17.  Effect of picloram herbicide on physiological responses of Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng, Chilean journal of agricultural research, 2014,74(4), 438-444, Aocheng Cao(correspondence author), Xiaowen Liu, Chengmei Qi, Zongcheng Wang, Yuan Li, Qiuxia Wang, Meixia Guo

18.  First Report in China of Soft Rot of Ginger Caused by Pythium aphanidermatum, PLANT DISEASE, 2014, 987: 1011, Aocheng Cao (correspondence author), Y. Li, L. G. Mao, D. D. Yan, X. M. Liu, T. T. Ma, J. Shen, P. F. Liu, Z. Li, Q. X. Wang, C. B. Ouyang, M. X. Guo

19.  First Report of Ginger Rhizome Rot Caused by Fusarium oxysporum in China, PLANT DISEASE, 2014, 982: 282, Aocheng Cao (correspondence author), Y. Li, L. G. Mao, D. D. Yan, X. M. Liu, T. T. Ma, J. Shen, P. F. Liu, Z. Li, Q. X. Wang, C. B. Ouyang, M. X. Guo

20.  Quantification of the effects of various soil fumigation treatments on nitrogen mineralization and nitrification in laboratory incubation and field studies. Chemosphere, 2013,90:1210-1215, Aocheng Cao (correspondence author), Dongdong Yan, Qiuxia Wang, Liangang Mao, Meixia Guo.

21.  Efficacy of 1,3-dichloropropene plus chloropicrin gelatin capsule formulation for the control of soilborne pests. Crop Protection 2013,48:24-28,Aocheng Cao (correspondence author), Wang Q, Yan D, Mao L, Ma T, Liu P.

22.  Antimicrobial Constituents of the Leaves of Mikania micrantha H. B. K. PLoS ONE 2013, 8: e76725. Aocheng Cao (correspondence author), Li Y, Li J, Li Y, Wang X.

23.  Antimicrobial potential and chemical constituent of Mikania micrantha H. B. K. African Journal of Microbiology Research 2013,7(20):2409-2415, Aocheng Cao (correspondence author), Li Y, Shen B,Li J, Li Y, Wang X.

24.  Nitrification dynamics in a soil after added with different fumigants. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 2013,59: 142-148. Aocheng Cao (correspondence author), Yan D, Wang Q, Mao L, Ma T, Li Y.


25.  Evaluation of Chloropicrin Gelatin Capsule Formulation as a Soil Fumigant for Greenhouse Strawberry in China. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012,60:5023-5027, Aocheng Cao (correspondence author), Dongdong Yan, Qiuxia Wang, Liangang Mao, Hongwei Xie, Meixia Guo.