
English Name:ZHANG Guifen
Academic Title:Professor
Supervisor:Master Supervisor, PhD Supervisor
Department:Department of Biological Invasions
Group:IAS Risk Assessment and Quarantine Group
Education and Working Experience:

Aug., 1998 - Aug., 2001

Ph.D., Ecology, Institute of Zoology (IOZ), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China. 
            Supervisor: Profs. Cheng-Fa SHENG & Xian-Zuo MENG.

            Main areas: Biological Control of Insects, Insect Ecology. 
            Dissertation: Biology and Applied Bases of Sex Pheromone of Cydia trasias(Meyrick)

Sept., 1984 - Jul., 1987

M.S., Plant Protection, Department of Plant Protection, Hebei/Xibei Agricultural University, Baoding, Hebei, China. 
            Supervisor: Prof. Shou-San FU. Main field: Biological Control.
            Thesis: Biological Characteristics of Encarsia formosa Gahan, a Parasitoid of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood).

Sept., 1980 - Jul., 1984

B.S., Plant Protection, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, Hebei, China.  
            Supervisor: Prof. Hao XU. Major: Biological Control.
            Thesis: Biology and Management of Ancylis sativa Liu by Using Sex Pheromone

Jan., 2009 – present:

Senior Scientist and Professor of Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (IPP, CAAS). Supervisor of Ph.D. and M.S. students. Project leader of the projects: (1) Forewarning and Control Technique Bases of Major Invasive Species (fund by the National Basic Research and Development Program, Ministry of Science and Technology), (2) Forewarning and Control Technique Bases of Major Invasive Species (fund by the National Basic Research and Development Program, Ministry of Science and Technology), and subproject leader of the projects: (1) Monitoring and control technique for fruit flies of fruit tree (fund by Commonwealth Special Fund for the Agricultural Industry, Ministry of Agriculture), (2) Monitoring and control technique for fruit flies of fruit tree (fund by Commonwealth Special Fund for the Agricultural Industry, Ministry of Agriculture)

May, 2003 – Dec., 2008:

Senior Scientist of Institute of Biological Control / Agro-Environment & Sustainable Development / Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Supervisor of M.S. students. Project leader of the project: Quantitative Evaluation of Native Predators’ Control Efficacy onBemisia tabaci by Using PCR Techniques (fund by the National Natural Science Foundation). Projects: Bio-chemistry Mechanisms of Bemisia tabaci Population Expansion. Quantitative Evaluation of Native Predators’ Control Efficacy on B. tabaci and the Western Flower Thrips Using FQ-PCR. Rapid Identification of Alien Insects by Using Molecular Method. Impacts of transgenic Bt cotton on non-target and beneficial, Propylaea japonicaAphis gossypii (fund by EU).

Aug., 2001 – May, 2003:

Post-Doc of Institute of Biological Control, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Supervisor: Dr. Fang-Hao WAN.Project: Quantitative and Qualitative Analyze of Bt Toxin in Cotton Plant Organs, Insects and Predatory Arthropods by Using Enzyme-liked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) (fund by EU); Quantitative and Qualitative Analyze of Predators in Bt Cotton field by Using Enzyme-liked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA); Tritrophic Level Interactions Between Transgenic Bt Cotton, Target and Non-target Insect Pests and Predators.

Sept., 1998 - Aug., 2001:

Ph.D. Candidate of Institute of Zoology (IOZ), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China. Supervisors: Profs. Cheng-Fa SHENG & Xian-Zuo MENG. Project: Biology and Applied Bases of Sex Pheromone of Cydia trasias (Meyrick) (fund by the National Natural Science Foundation).

Jul., 1987 - Aug., 1998:

Research Assistant ofDepartment of Plant Protection, Hebei Agricultural University. Projects: Biology and Dynamics of Liriomyza sativa. Biology ofCarposina niponensis Walsingham.
Research Area:

Invasive Alien Species (IAS): Invasive biology and control strategies of alien species in agriculture and forestryResearches conducted on evaluation of control efficacy of domestic predators on Bemisia tabaci,Frankliniella occidentalis. Molecular identification (DNA barcoding) and monitoring of alien insect species, including, fruit fly (genus Bactrocera), whitefly, thrips. Bio-control of Bemisia tabaci.

Integrated Pest Management: Researches focused on cotton pest population dynamics, biocontrol and ecological management methods; integrated management of vegetable and fruit tree pest insects.


Mass-rearing of Insect Natural Enemies: Researches conducted on lady beetle, lacewingand Encarsia formosa.


1.       Zhang GF, Lövei GL, Hu M, Wan FH. 2014. Asymmetric consequences of host plant occupation on the competition between the whiteflies Bemisia tabaci cryptic species MEAM1 and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Pest Manag Sci., doi: 10.1002/ps.3713.

2.       Liu SS, Zhang GF*, Wan FH. 2014. Identification and phylogenetic analysis of common species of the genus Bactrocera by DNA barcoding on COI gene.Acta Entomol. Sinica, 57, in press.

3.       Liu SS, Zhang GF, Wu Q, Zhang AB, Wang JJ, Wan FH, 2012. Establishment and application of DNA barcoding technology for identification of the immatures and adult debris of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Acta Entomol. Sinica, 55(3): 336-343.

4.       Zhang GF, Wu X, Zhou ZX, Meng XQ, Wan FH. 2014. A one-step, single tube, duplex PCR to detect predation by native predators on the invasive Bemisia tabaci MEAM1 (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and Frankliniella occidentalis(Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Entomol. Exp. Appl., 150: 66-73.

5.       Zhang GF, Meng XQ, Min L, Qiao WN, Wan FH. 2012. Rapid diagnosis of the invasive species, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande): a species-specific COI marker. J. Appl. Entomol., 136(6): 410-420.

6.       Zhang GF, Wan FH*. 2012. Suitability changes with host leaf age for Bemisia tabaci B biotype and Trialeurodes vaporariorumEnviron. Entomol., 41(5): 1125-1130.

7.       Zhang GF, Li DC, Wan FH, Liu TX, Wang JJ. 2011. Interspecific interactions between Bemisia tabaci biotype B and Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Environ. Entomol., 40(1): 140-150.

8.       Wan FH, Zhang GF, Liu SS, Luo C, Chu D, Zhang YJ, Zang LS, Jiu M, Lü ZC, Cui XH, Zhang LP, Zhang F, Zhang QW, Liu WX, Liang P, Lei ZR, Zhang YJ. 2009. Invasive mechanism and management strategy of Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius) biotype B: Progress report of 973 Program on invasive alien species in China. Science China Ser. C-Life Science, 52(1): 88-95.

9.       Zhang GF, Wan FH, Sean MT, Guo JY, Liu WX. 2008. Reproductive biology of two nontarget insect species, Aphis gossypii (Homoptera: Aphididae) andOrius sauteri (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), on Bt and non-Bt cotton cultivars.Envrion. Entomol., 37(4): 1035-1042.

10.    Zhang GF, Lü ZC, Wan FH, Lövei GL. 2007. Real-time PCR quantification ofBemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) B-biotype remains in predator guts.Mol. Ecol. Note, 7: 947-954.

11.    Zhang GF, Lü ZC, Wan FH. 2007. Detection of Bemisia tabaci remains in predator guts using a sequence-characterized amplified region marker.Entomol. Exp. Appl., 123: 81-90.

12.    Zhang GF, Wan FH, Lövei GL, Liu WX, Guo JY. 2006. Transmission of Bt-toxin to the predator Propylaea japonica (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) through its aphid prey feeding on transgenic Bt-cotton. Envrion. Entomol., 35(1): 143-150.

13.    Zhang GF, Wan FH, Liu WX, Guo JY. 2006. Early instar response to plant-delivered Bt-toxin in a herbivore (Spodoptera litura) and a predator (Propylaea japonica). Crop Prot., 25(6): 527-533.

14.    Zhang GF, Sheng CF, Han Y, Meng XZ. 2003. Interference with the mate-finding communication system of the Chinese tortrix Cydia trasias using synthetic sex pheromonesJ. Appl. Entomol. 127: 282-287.

15.    Qiao WN, Wan FH, Zhang AB, Min L, Zhang GF*, 2012. Application of DNA barcoding technology for species identification of common thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera) in China. Acta Entomol. Sinica, 55(3): 344-356.

16.    Zhou ZX, Wan FH, Chen B, Zhang GF*. 2009. Application of DNA molecular marker techniques in studying of parasitoid insects. Chinese J. Biol. Control, 25(2): 164-170.

17.    Liu X, Wan FH, Zhang GF*. 2009. SCAR marker for rapid detection of the spiny whitefly, Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae).Acta Entomol. Sinica, 52(8): 895-900.

18.    Zhang GF, Lei F, Wan FH, Ma J. 2008. 2008. Effects of plant species switching on dynamics of amylase and proteinase activity of Bemisia tabaci and Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Biodiversity Science 16(4): 313-320.

19.    Liu JY, Zhang GF, Wang FH*, Wang JJ. 2008. Mechanisms of inter- and intra-specific competitive replacement of Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Biodiversity Science, 16(3): 214-224.

20.    Zhang GF, Wan FH, Guo JY, Hou ML. 2004. Expression of Bt toxin in transgenic Bt cotton and its transmission through pests Helicoverpa armigera and Aphis gossypii to natural enemy Propylaea japonica in cotton. Acta Entomol. Sinica, 47: 334-341.

21.    Lei F, Zhang GF, Wan FH, Ma J. 2006. Effects of Plant Species Switching on Contents and Dynamics of Trehalose and Trehalase Activity of Bemisia tabaciB-biotype andTrialeurodes vaporariorumScientia Agr. Sinica, 39: 1387-1394.

22.    Zhou ZX, Wan FH, Zhang GF*, Chen B. 2007. A rapid method for extraction of genomic DNA of Bemisia tabaciPlant Prot., 33(5): 131-133.

23.    Zhang GF. 2013.5.15 & 6.21. Insect Biological Control in China: Progress and Perspective. Training Course of Application of Nuclear Agriculture for Bengal.Beijing, China. Invited Topic Reporter.

24.    Zhang GF, Lövei G L, Wan FH. 2011-09-11-16. Asymmetric consequences of resource preemption in Bemisia tabaci B biotype and Trialeurodes vaporariorum.Special Topic Reporter, The forth European Whitefly Symposium. Tel Aviv, Israel.

25.    Zhang GF, Lü ZC, Wu X, Meng XQ, Wan FH*. 2011.10-21-24. Evaluation of Generalist Predators on Pest Insects Using Molecular Methods. Special Topic Reporter, International Symposium on Mass Production and Commercialization of Arthropod Biological Control Agents. Beijing, China.

26.    Zhang GF, Lü ZC, Wan FH. 2006. Detection of Bemisia tabaci remains in predator guts using a sequence-characterized amplified region marker.Special Topic Reporter, The 4th International Bemisia Workshop, December 3-6, 2006, Duck Key, Florida, USA.

27.    Wan FH, Xie M, Cui XH, Chen YH, Zhang GF. 2006. Effects of high and low temperature on survival and fecundity of two whitefly species, Bemisia tabaciB-biotype and Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Special Topic Reporter, The 4th International Bemisia Workshop, December 3-6, 2006, Duck Key, Florida, USA.