
English Name:LI Kebin
Academic Title:Professor
Supervisor:Master Supervisor
Department:Department of Agricultural Insects
Group:Soil Insect Pests Group
Education and Working Experience:


Sept 1986-June 1990 Huazhong Agricultural University Bachelor of agriculture, department of plant protection
Sept 1990-June 1993 Huazhong Agricultural University Master of Science, major in entomology
Sept 2000-June 2004 China Agricultural University Doctor of Agriculture, major in Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control, department of plant protection

• 1993-present Working in Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
• Promoted to professor in 2012
• Master Instructor
• Research field: Insect physiology and biochemistry, agricultural pest population dynamics and integrated pest management.
Research Area:

Insect biochemistry and physiology, population dynamics and integrated management of agricultural insect pests

• Kebin Li, Lizhi Luo. Study on activity of enzymes related to energy metabolism in the flight muscle of Mythimna separata (Walker) [J]. acta entomologica sinica. 1999. 42(1).
• Kebin Li, Lizhi Luo. Effects of larval density on energetic contents of the oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata (Walker)[J]. acta entomologica sinica. 1998. 41(3).
• LUO Li-zhi LI Ke-bin JIANG Xing-fu and HU Yi Regulation of Flight Capacity and Contents of Energy Substances by Methoprene in the Moth of Oriental Armyworm, Mythimna Separata[J]. Entomologia Sinica 2001 8(1), 63-72.
• LI Ke_Bin, CAO Ya_Zhong, LUO Li_Zhi et al. Influences of flight on energetic reserves and juvenile hormone synthesis by corpora allata of the oriental armyworm, Mythimna Separata (Walker) [J]. Acta Entomologica Sinica. 2005,48(2).
• LI Ke-Bin, GAO Xi-Wu, LUO LI-Zhi et al. Changes in activities of four energy metabolism related enzymes during flight of Mythimna separata[J]. Acta Entomologica Sinica. 2005. 48(4).
• LIU Shu-Sen, LI Ke-Bin, LIU Chun-Qin et al. Identification of a strain of Heterorhabditis (Nematoda: Heterorhabditidae) from Hebei and its virulence to white grubs[J]. Acta Entomologica Sinica. 2009. 52(9): 959-966.
• Luo Zongxiu,Li Kebin, Cao Yazhong et al. A pilot study on Holotrichia parallela sex pheromone for field applications[J].Plant Protection. 2010. 36(5):157-161. • Liu Shusen, • Li Kebin, LiuChunqin et al. Virulence of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora strain Cangzhou to Larvae of Holotrichia parallela [J]. Plant Protection. 2010. 36(5): 96-100. 
• Sisi Deng,Jiao Yin, Tao zhong,Yazhong Cao, Kebin Li*. Function and Immunocy to chemical Localization of Two Novel Odorant-Binding Proteins in Olfactory Sensilla of the Scarab Beetle Holotrichia oblita Faldermann (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Chemical Senses. 2012.37(2):141-150.
• Luo Zongxiu, Li Kebin*, Cao Yazhong et al. Investigations on soil inhabiting pests in peanut fields in Henan[J]. Plant Protection. 2009.35(2):104-108.
• Deng Sisi, Yin Jiao, Li Kebin* et al. Electroantennographic and behavioral response of Holotrichia oblita to plant volatiles[J].Plant Protection. 2011.37(5):62-66.
• Zhang Qiang, Wang Yan, Li Kebin* et al. Preliminary analysis of the cellular morhological change in the midgut of Holotrichia parallela larvae fed with Bt [J]. Plant Protection. 2011.37(6):126-129.
• WANG Yudong, XIAO Chun, LI Kebin* et al. Evaluation of the Impacts on Infection Ability of Entomopathogens Nematodes to Grub, Holotrichia parallela for Three Chemical Pesticides[J]. Chinese Journal of Biological Control. 2012.28(1):67-73.
• Wang Bing, Yin Jiao, Li Kebin* Cao Yazhong. Molecular cloing and sequence analysis of the odorant receptor gene OrCo in Holotrichia oblita[J]. Plant Protection. 2012.38(4):14-20.
• Fei Renlei, Li Kebin*, Xiao Chun et al. Ultrastructure of the antennal sensilla of Holotrichia parallela[J]. Plant Protection. 2012.38(4):63-67.
• Liu Chunqin, Tian Leilei, Li Kebin* et al. Research into the taxonomic status of three kinds of scarabs[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology.2013. 50(1),93-100.
• Tian Leilei, Xi Jinghui, Li Kebin* et al. Research and comparison of the scarab mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase Ⅰ (COⅠ) gene fragment sequencecloned by two different primers[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology.2013. 50(1),101-107.
• X.J. Zhuang,Q. Q. Wang,B. Wang,T. Zhong, Y.Z. Cao,K.B. Li and J. Yin,2014. Prediction of the key binding site of odorant-binding protein of Holotrichia oblita Faldermann (Coleoptera: Scarabaeida). Insect Molecular Biology. 23(3):381-390.
• Jiao Yin, Shuang Yang, Kebin Li, Wei Guo*, Yazhong Cao*, 2014. Identification and Molecular Characterization of a Chitin-Binding Protein from the Beet Webworm, Loxostege sticticalis L. International Journal of Molecular Sciences,15(10): 19147 -19161.
• Hongyan Sun,Li Guan,Honglin Feng,Jiao Yin,Yazhong Cao,Jinghui Xi,Kebin Li*,2014. Functional Characterization of Chemosensory Protein the Scarab Beetle, Holotrichia oblita Faldermann (Coleoptera: Scarabaeida). PLoS ONE, 9(9):doi:10.1371/journal. pone. 0107059
• Jin Miao, Yu-Qing Wu, Ke-Bin Li, Yue-Li Jiang, Zhong-jun Gong, Yun Duan & Tong Li Evidence for Visually Mediated Copulation Frequency in the Scarab Beetle Anomala corpulenta J Insect Behav (2015) 28:175-182