MARA-CABI Joint Laboratory of Bio-safety

In September 2008, Agreement for the establishment of Joint Laboratory for Bio-safety was signed by the Vice Minister of Agriculture and CEO of CABI. The main research areas include IPM technology, introduction and development of biopesticide resources, reduction of environmental pollution caused by pesticides, impacts of transgenic plants on agroecosystem. It mainly functions as: a platform for research collaboration; a center for training and scientific exchanges; an open platform for joint collaboration with third parties; a consultancy service to the Chinese government. In 2012, Dr. Ulrich Kuhlmann (the Regional Director of CABI-Switzerland Center), the co-director of the Joint Lab, was granted the Friendship Award by Chinese Government.

IPP-CAAS, on behalf of MoA, will be responsible for hosting and for day-to-day administration of the Joint Lab. The Steering Committee (SC) acts as the governing body of the Joint Laboratory, comprising 8 members with 4 from China and 4 from CABI. The SC chairperson alternates yearly between China and CABI members. The SC meets once a year, and is responsible for reaching unanimous agreement in respect of plans for reviewing of research activities and approving work plans as well as financial statements.

Many scientific collaboration and exchange activities were carried out through the Joint Lab. At present, 6 research and development projects are undertaken: 1) Potential for IPM of Apolygus lucorum (Heteroptera: Miridae) in China using parasitoids; 2) Biological control of the Canada thistle, Cirsium arvense; 3) Biological control of the box tree caterpillar, Diaphania perspectalis; 4) Europe Aid funded GMSRice IPM project (full title ‘Agricultural innovation for smallholder farmers in the Greater Mekong Subregion to improve food security, in the context of impact and adaptation to climate change and in favor of economic development’); 5) Europe Aid funded GMSMaize IPM project (full title ‘Intra-regional transfer of biologically-based plant protection technology to improve livelihoods of small holder maize farmers in the Greater Mekong Sub-region’); 6) Plantwise.

International conferences and workshops were co-organized by IPP and the Joint Lab, e.g. the 1st International Congress on Biological Invasions in Fuzhou in 2009, the 2nd China-UK GMO Biosafety Workshop in Beijing in 2010.

As an open platform, Joint Lab has sponsored twelve South-South Cooperation and Technology Training between 2009 and 2013, and mainly including China-DPR Korea Training Workshop on Plant Protection and Quarantine Policy and Management, Rational Pesticides Use Training and Biological control of underground pests Training, etc. More than 300 scientific researchers and administrators attended who come from IPP-CAAS, National Agricultural Technology Extension and Service Center and Institute of Pesticides of Chinese MoA, Plant Quarantine Division and Research Center for Standards and Technical Regulations of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China, CABI and DPR Korea Ministry of Agriculture, etc.

The Joint Lab teams have made great achievements in the last five years. They have published more than 20 papers on SCI journals, published 1 book, and awarded a national invention patent.