Prevention and control of soil-borne pests
Principal Scientist
As a national institute for agricultural research, IPP offers training and teaching in the
discipline of “plant protection”. The institute is eligible to grant master and doctoral
degrees in the majors of Plant Pathology, Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control,
Pesticide Science, Weed Science, Invasion Biology, GMO Safety, Biological Control, and
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Currently, there are 72 PhD supervisors and 171 Master
supervisors. A postdoctoral station was set up as well and currently there are 104
postdoctoral fellows at the institute. In the past few rounds of national discipline
evaluation, the plant protection discipline of CAAS led by IPP has been always ranked as
Innovation team members
Team Innovation Tasks
1. Senior CEO
2. Team research backbone
Fixed position
Mobile positions
3. Team Research Assistant
Fixed position
Mobile positions
Team Mission Checklist
Team Achievements
Undertake intelligent monitoring and comprehensive management of major fungal
diseases in grain crops, effectively preventing and controlling major diseases.
2Undertake intelligent monitoring and comprehensive management of major fungal
diseases in grain crops, effectively preventing and controlling major diseases.