Yuanbo Li, Jonathan Brett Sallach, Wei Zhang, Stephen A Boyd, Hui Li*.Characterization of Plant Accumulation of Pharmaceuticals from Soils with Their Concentration in Soil Pore Water. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, https://doi: 10.1021/acs.est.2c00303.


Predicting plant uptake of pharmaceuticals from soils is very challenging because many pharmaceuticals are ionizable compounds, which experience highly variable sorption/desorption and transformation processes in soils. This study aimed to elucidate how the equilibrium between sorbed and dissolved phases influences radish uptake of 15 pharmaceuticals from three soils with different properties. After 30 days of uptake, the accumulation of acetaminophen, carbamazepine, lamotrigine, carbadox, trimethoprim, and triclosan in radish ranked as Riddles > Capac > Spinks soil. In contrast, radish accumulation of caffeine, lincomycin, monensin, tylosin, sulfadiazine, and sulfamethoxazole exhibited the opposite order of Riddles < Capac < Spinks soil. Oxytetracycline and estrone demonstrated similar accumulation in radish grown in the three soils. Accumulation of pharmaceuticals in radish demonstrated no apparent relation with their concentration in soils. However, we identified strong positive correlation between pharmaceutical accumulation in radish and their corresponding concentration in soil pore water. These results reveal that pharmaceutical in soil pore water is the dominant fraction bioavailable to plant uptake. Relatively constant root concentration factors (RCFs) on the basis of pharmaceutical concentration in soil pore water, compared to the highly variable RCFs derived from soils, suggest that pore water-based RCF is superior for describing pharmaceutical accumulation in plants grown in soils. We recommend that pharmaceuticals in soil pore water should be evaluated and included in modeling their uptake by plants.

Environmental Science & Technology, IF="11.357
