Li Wang, Yanhui Zhai, Junshu Zhu, Qinqin Wang, Xuejiao Ji, Wenjie Wang, Huizhu Yuan, Changhui Rui, Li Cui*. Sulfoxaflor adversely influences the biological characteristics of Coccinella septempunctata by suppressing vitellogenin expression and predation activity.

Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, https:// doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.130787    


Sulfoxaflor is a widely used sulfoximine insecticide that has been regarded as an important alternative insecticide for IPM strategies, but a comprehensive study of its potential ecological toxicity is still lacking. In the present work, the growth, longevity, predation and reproduction toxicity of  Coccinella septempunctata  caused by sulfoxaflor were evaluated. In addition, the potential mechanisms of decreased fecundity in  C. septempunctata  were investigated by analyzing the transcriptional and protein levels of reproduction-related gene vitellogenin ( Vg ). In a 20-day acute contact toxicity test, decreased survival proportion, pupation rate, adult emergence ratio, and increased hazard quotient (HQ) values were observed. Moreover, sublethal dosages of sulfoxaflor significantly inhibited the predation, longevity, fecundity and net reproduction rate of progeny. In addition, LR30 of sulfoxaflor dramatically down-regulate the mRNA-expression (F0: 65.38-fold, F1: 2.24-fold) and protein content (F0: 1.35-fold, F1: 1.36-fold) of  Vg  in the F0 and F1 generations. These results suggested that sulfoxaflor could inhibit the gene and protein content of  Vg, thereby reducing the fecundity of  C. septempunctata. Our study indicated that sulfoxaflor has potential risks to parent and progeny generations of  C. septempunctata. These results provide valuable reference for optimal usage of sulfoxaflor in IPM systems.

Journal of Hazardous Materials,IF=13.6