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Congratulations to the Economic Crop Pest Monitoring and Control Innovation Team for winning the 2019 Outstanding Innovation Team Award of CAAS

On Jan 8, 2020, the annual meeting of CAAS was held successfully in Beijing. Dur-ing the meeting, a total of ten Outstanding Innovation Teams were commended, and the Economic Crop Pest Monitoring and Control Innovation Team of IPP-CAAS was one of them.

The Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program (ASTIP) of CAAS was initiated in 2013. The Economic Crop Pest Monitoring and Control Innovation Team of IPP-CAAS is one of the first batch of innovation teams approved. The team focus on meeting important technology demands of economical crop pest control in China, asking key questions in terms of pest population succession and host switching mechanisms, developing new technologies and products for pest control, and constructing green technical model for economic crop pest control. The Economic Crop Pest Monitoring and Control Innovation Team has made significant progress in scientific research, technical innovation, pest control model construction, team building, contributing a great deal to agricultural production.

In terms of scientific research, the innovation team has clarified the interaction mechanisms between economic crops-pests-natural enemies, and economic crop pest population succession. They have published over 200 SCI papers and 150 Chinese scientific papers, including five scientific papers in PNAS and other well-known international journals. In terms of technology development, six new products have been developed, including food attractant of cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera), synthetic sex pheromone of Apolygus lucorum , and Beauveria bassiana; and nine new pest control technologies were set up, including Thrips control by using of Beauveria bassiana and predatory mites, Miridae control by using of parasitoid wasp, Peristenus spretus; and 34 patents of invention were awarded. For pest control model construction, the regional pest control technology of Spodoptera frugiperda, Miridae and Thrips and other important pests were developed, and the multiple-targeted control system of Xinjiang cotton and greenhouse vegetables were established, and eight agricultural industry standards were formulated. This model construction provided critical support and technology leading to green control of economic crop pests and pesticide usage decrease. Many team members contributed to these achievements, hence winning various talent awards. In 2015, the team was entitled “Agricultural Research Excellent Talent and Innovation Team”. They also won the First Prize of Shennong Zhonghua Agricultural Technology Awards in 2016-2017.


Copyright:Institute of Plant Protection,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 

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