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PROMOTING TALENTS AND SCIENTIFIC CAREERS at the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment

文章来源:国合处      作者:Admin   点击数: 次      发布时间:2016-09-23


The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) is the national institute which prepares ex-pert reports and opinions on questions concerning the safety of food, feed and chemicals, as well as consumer health protection in Germany, on the basis of recognised scientific evalua-tion criteria. It advises the Federal Government and other institutions and interest groups in these areas. The BfR conducts its own research on topics that are closely linked to its as-sessment tasks. It is a legally responsible institution within the portfolio of the Federal Minis-try of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

Within the scope of promoting up-and-coming scientific talent and international networking, the BfR is offering ten qualified and committed university graduates from the new member states of the EU and non-European countries the opportunity of a

three-month stay as a guest scientist

During the stay as a guest scientist, the BfR offers you an insight into its research work and work results in the field of the safety of food, animal feed, chemicals or consumer products and substances, as desired. If interested, you can apply subsequently for a postgraduate or post-doctorate position in current BfR research projects. You can obtain a detailed overview of the structure and work areas of our institute in the internet under www.bfr.bund.de.

Prerequisites for participation

1 University degree in Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Toxicology, Nu-tritional Science or comparable scientific discipline

2 Interest in consumer health protection topics

3 Responsible and committed work approach

4 Very good knowledge of the German language or fluent English

Your workplace will be in Berlin. At the start of your stay, the BfR will pay the costs of your flight (Economy Class) and accommodation. You will also receive an appropriate daily allow-ance. You must apply separately to the German Embassy or Consulate in your home country for the necessary residence permits, but we would be pleased to provide a letter of support if required.

If you are interested, please send your application online by 1 December 2016, listing your field of interest and possible time schedule.

If you have any questions regarding the application procedure, please feel free to contact Ms Dr. Okech (Email: scientificcareer@bfr.bund.de).