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邱德文,男,195911月生,博士,博士生导师,研究员。中国农业科学院植物保护研究所副所长,蛋白质农药课题组组长。现任中国植物保护学会常务理事,植保学会生物防治专业委员会主任委员,北京市植物病理学会理事。20029月入选中国农科院药物微生物工程学一级岗位杰出人才。一直致力于蛋白质农药的研发及作用机理研究,创制出蛋白生物新农药-3%极细链格孢植物激活蛋白可湿性粉剂并已获得农业部农药临时登记证近年来,主持国家“863”计划项目、国际合作项目、国家自然科学基金等各类科研项目5项;获国家发明专利8项;发表研究论文40余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者SCI源论文13篇;出版《植物免疫与植物疫苗——研究与实践》 和《蛋白质农药》专著两部;获省部级以上奖项2项,包括第一完成人北京市科学技术奖二等奖1项,第一完成人中国农业科学院科学技术成果二等奖1项。




1.      国家“863”计划项目:微生物杀菌剂研究与产品创制,2011-2015

2.      国家“863”计划项目:蛋白质和病毒等新型生物农药研究与创制,2006-2010

3.      国际合作项目:俄罗斯高效生防微生物的利用与新型生物农药的创制,2009-2011

4.      国际合作项目:俄罗斯生防微生物资源的引进利用与创新,2012-2014

5.      国家自然科学基金面上项目:稻瘟菌蛋白效应子MoHrip1诱导水稻抗性的蛋白受体及功能研究2014-2017




1.        2009年获北京发明协会颁发的“爱国者杯”暨第三届北京发明创新大赛金奖,题目:植物用多功能蛋白制品及其制备方法;

2.        2012年获北京市科学技术奖二等奖,第一完成人,题目:一种植物免疫蛋白诱抗剂的研究与利用;

3.        2012年获中国农业科学院科学技术成果二等奖,第一完成人,题目:极细链格孢激活蛋白生物农药创制;

4.        2008年获中国植物保护学会科学技术奖二等奖,第一完成人,题目:农作物重要病害新型生物农药应用基础研究。



1.        Mahesh Kulye*, Hua Liu, Yuliang ZhangHongmei Zeng, Xiufen Yang, Dewen Qiu*. 2012. Hrip1, a novel protein elicitor from necrotrophic fungus, Alternaria tenuissima, elicits cell death, expression of defence-related genes and systemic acquired resistance in tobacco. Plant, Cell and Environment35: 2104-2120

2.        Wenxian Wu, Zhiwei Cheng, Mengjie Liu, Xiufen Yang, Dewen Qiu*. 2014. C3HC4-Type RING Finger Protein NbZFP1 Is Involved in Growth and Fruit Development in Nicotiana benthamiana. PLoS ONE 9(6): e99352. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0099352

3.        Bingnan Wang, Xiufen Yang*, Hongmei Zeng, Hua Liu, Tingting Zhou, Beibei Tan,  Jingjing Yuan, Lihua Guo, Dewen Qiu*. 2012.The purification and characterization of a novel hypersensitive-like response-inducing elicitor from Verticillium dahliae that induces resistance responses in tobacco. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 93:191-201

4.        Guangyue LiXiufen YangHongmei Zeng , Jianjun Mao, Hua Liu, Dewen Qiu*. 2010. Stable isotope labeled mass spectrometry for the quantification of protein expression induced by PeaT1, Science China (Life Science), 53(12):1410-1417

5.        Dewen Qiu*, Jianjun Mao, Xiufen Yang, Hongmei Zeng. 2009. Expression of an elicitor-encoding gene from Magnaporthe grisea enhances resistance against blast disease in transgenic rice. Plant Cell Reports, 28(6): 925-933

6.        Jun Yang, Hongmei Zeng*, Huafeng Lin, Xiufen Yang, Zheng Liu, Lihua Guo, Jingjing Yuan, Dewen Qiu*. 2012. An insecticidal protein fromXenorhabdus budapestensis that results in prophenoloxidase activation in the wax moth. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 110 (2012) 60-67.

7.        Huaixing Shi, Hongmei Zeng*, Xiufen Yang, Jing Zhao, Mingjia Chen, Dewen Qiu*. 2012. An insecticidal protein from Xenorhabdus ehlersii triggers prophenoloxidase activation and hemocyte decrease in Galleria mellonellaCurrent Microbiology 64: 604-610.

8.        Jing Zhao, Lihua Guo*, Hongmei Zeng, Xiufen Yang, Jingjing Yuan, Huaixing Shi, Yehui Xiong, Mingjia Chen, Lei Han, Dewen Qiu*. 2012. Purification and characterization of a novel antimicrobial peptide from Brevibacillus laterosporus strain A60. Peptides 33: 206-211.

9.        Jianjun Mao, Quan Liu, Xiufen Yang, Cengzu Long, Mingzhi Zhao, Hongmei Zeng, Jingjing Yuan, Dewen Qiu *. 2010. Purification and expression of a protein elicitor from Alternaria tenuissima and elicitor-mediated defense responses in tobacco. Annals of Applied Biology, 156: 411-420.

10.    Lei Han, Zheng Liu, Xinqi Liu, Dewen Qiu*. 2012. Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the effector protein PevD1 from Verticillium dahliae. Acta Crystallographica Section F 68: 802-805.

11.    Mahesh S Kulye, Hua LiuDewen Qiu*. 2012. The role of radical burst in plant defense responses to necrotrophic fungi. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 11(7): 116-121.

12.    Mengjie Liu, Xinqi Liu, Hongmei Zeng and Dewen Qiu*. 2013. Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of effector protein MoHrip2 from Magnaporthe oryzaeActa Crystallographica Section F69, 463-467.

13.    Shuangchao Wang, Hideki Kondo, Liang Liu, Lihua Guo*Dewen Qiu*. 2013. A novel virus in the family Hypoviridae from the plant pathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum. Virus research174:69-77