申请者近年来主要开展农产品中农药安全性评价研究、高通量测序挖掘土壤微生物的生态效应等相关研究,在农药残留分析方法、高通量测序结合生物信息学解析长残效农药引发土壤生态效益的微生物学机制研究取得进展。主持国家自然科学基金11项,国家农产品质量安全风险评估项目2项、中国农科院植保所科研基本业务费1项。作为骨干参与公益性行业科研专项、国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目及行业标准制定等多个项目。以第一作者或通讯作者在Journal of Hazardous Materials、Science of the Total Environment、Food Chemistry、Journal of Chromatography A等国际权威期刊上发表SCI论文16篇,完成29项《食品安全国家标准 食品中农药最大残留限量》(GB 2763-2019)。
Email: xhwu@ippcaas.cn
Tel: 010-62815938
- Dongmei Wei, Xiaohu Wu*, Mingshan Ji, Jun Xu, Fengshou Dong, Xingang Liu,Yongquan Zheng. Carboxin and its major metabolites residues in peanuts: Levels, dietary intake and chronic intake risk assessment. Food Chemistry, 2019, 275: 169-175
- Pengqiang Du1, Xiaohu Wu1, Jun Xu, Fengshou Dong, Xingang Liu, Yongquan Zheng*. Effects of trifluralin on the soil microbial community and functional groups involved in nitrogen cycling. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 353: 204-213
- Pengqiang Du, Xiaohu Wu*, Jun Xu, Fengshou Dong, Xingang Liu, Ying Zhang, Yongquan Zheng. Clomazone influence soil microbial community and soil nitrogen cycling. Science of the Total Environment,2018, 644: 475-485
- Xiao-Hu Wu, Ying Zhang, Peng-Qiang Du, Jun Xu, Feng-Shou Dong, Xin-Gang Liu, Yong-Quan Zheng*. Impact of fomesafen on the soil microbial communities in soybean fields in Northeastern China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 148: 169-176
- Ying Zhang, Xiaohu Wu*, Tingting Duan, Jun Xu, Fengshou Dong, Xingang Liu, Xiaogang Li, Pengqiang Du, Yongquan Zheng. Ultra high performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry method for determining dinotefuran and its main metabolites in samples of plants, animal-derived foods, soil, and water. Journal of Separation Science, 2018, 41: 2913-2923
- Lili Rong, Xiaohu Wu*, Jun Xu, Fengshou Dong, Xingang Liu, Yongquan Zheng. Determination of Pydiflumetofen Residues in Some Foods of Plant and Animal Origin by QuEChERS Extraction Combined with Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass. Food Analytical Methods, 2018, 11: 2682-2691
- Pengqiang Du, Xiaohu Wu*, Jun Xu, Fengshou Dong, Xingang Liu, Dongmei Wei, Yongquan Zheng. Determination and dissipation of mesotrione and its metabolites in rice using UPLC and triple-quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry. Food Chemistry,2017, 229: 260-267
- Xiaohu Wu, Jun Xu, Yongzhuo Liu, Fengshou Dong, Xingang Liu, Wenwen Zhang, Yongquan Zheng*. Impact of fluxapyroxad on the microbial community structure and functional diversity in the silty-loam soil. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2015, 14(1): 114–124
- Xiaohu Wu, Jun Xu, Fengshou Dong, Xingang Liu, Yuanbo Li, Yongquan Zheng*. Simultaneous determination of oxathiapiprolin and two metabolites in fruits, vegetables and cereal using a modified quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe method and liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A,2014, 1329: 30-37.
- Xiaohu Wu, Jun Xu, Fengshou Dong, Xingang Liu, and Yongquan Zheng*. "Responses of soil microbial community to different concentration of fomesafen. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 273: 155-164.