1989年大学毕业于湖南农业大学植保系,获学士学位;1992年毕业于中国农科院研究生院农业昆虫与害虫防治专业,获农学硕士学位;2001年毕业于中国农科院研究生院农业昆虫与害虫防治专业,获农学博士学位。1992年以来一直在中国农科院植保所工作,期间1999年和2003年分别赴美国(1年)和德国(3个月)进行国际合作研究;自2004年以来与比利时列日大学保持长期科技合作, 推动中国农科院首个中外合作博士项目2013年获教育部批准。
长期从事小麦害虫生物学、小麦抗虫生化与分子机制、小麦-麦蚜-天敌-共生菌协同进化和化学通讯机制,以及利用推拉策略及生态调控进行麦蚜绿色防控技术研究。先后主持和承担国家重点研发计划、自然科学基金、中国和比利时国际合作项目、转基因生物新品种培育重大专项等项目(课题)10余项。主持的“小麦蚜虫灾变规律与绿色防控技术”2020年获中华农业科技奖三等奖(排名第1);参与主持的“作物对刺吸式害虫抗性评价技术及应用”2014年获河南省科技进步二等奖(排名第2),参与主持的 “抗刺吸式害虫转基因作物的检测与效果评价技术” 2013获河南省科学技术厅成果鉴定(排名第2);承担的“小麦红吸浆虫种群动态及综合防治技术体系” 1997年获农业部科技进步二等奖(排名第8)。在GigaScience, BMC Genomics, Insect Biochem Molec Biol,J Insect Physiol 等国内外科技期刊上发表论文140余篇;主/参编专著7部;制/修订国家或行业标准3项。培养研究生(含联合培养)博士生6名、硕士生14名。
Email: chenjulian@caas.cn
Tel: 010-62815934
- Yong Zhang, Qing Deng, Julian Chen*. Transgenic expression of Pinellia ternata agglutinin (PTA) and Arisaema heterophyllum agglutinin (AHA) in wheat confers resistance against the grain aphid, Sitobion miscanthi. Journal of Pest Science (published online : 16 February 2021) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10340-021-01346-7. (SCI)
- Morales Hojas Ramiro*, Jingxuan Sun, Alvira Iraizoz Fernando, Xiaoling Tan, Julian Chen*. Contrasting population structure and demographic history of cereal aphids in different environmental and agricultural landscapes. Ecology and Evolution, 2020,10(18):1-16. ISSN:2045-7758, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6565. (SCI)
- Jingxuan Sun, Qian LI., Xiaolin Tan, Jia Fan, Yong Zhang, Yaoguo Qin, Frédéric Francis, Julian Chen *. Population genetic structure of Sitobion miscanthi in China.Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2020, 19(0): 2–11. (SCI)
- Yong Zhang, Yu Fu, Frederic Francis, Xiaobei Liu. Julian Chen*. 2020. Insight into watery saliva proteomes of the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, e21752. https://doi.org/10.1002/arch.21752. (SCI)
- Yi Wang, Jia Yan, Jingrui Sun, Wangpeng Shi, Xiaoling Tan*, Julian Chen. 2020. Effects of field simulated warming on feeding behavior of Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) and host defense system. Entomologia Generalis. doi:10.1127/entomologia/2020/0999) (SCI).
- Qian Li, Jingxuan Sun, Yaoguo Qin, Jia Fan, Yong Zhang, Maolin Hou, Julian Chen*. Reduced insecticide sensitivity of the wheat aphid Sitobion miscanthi after infection by the secondary bacterial symbiont Hamiltonella defensa. Pest Management Science, 2020, 1-9 https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.6221 (SCI)
- Qian Li, Jingxuan Sun, Jia Fan, Yong Zhang, Maolin Hou, Julian Chen*. Anti-plant defense response strategies mediated by the secondary symbiont Hamiltonella defensa in the wheat aphid Sitobion miscanthi. Front. Microbiol. 2019, 10: 2419. doi: 10.3389/fmicb. 2019.02419 (SCI).
- Xin Jiang† , Qian Zhang† , Yaoguo Qin† , Hang Yin, Siyu Zhang, Qian Li, Yong Zhang , Jia Fan * , Julian Chen *. A chromosome-level draft genome of the grain aphid Sitobion miscanthi, GigaScience, 2019 (8): 1-8 (SCI).
- Zongli Han, Xiaoling Tan, Jia Fan, Qingxuan Xu , Yong Zhang, James Harwood, Julian Chen*. Effects of simulated climate warming on population dynamic of Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) and its parasitoids in field. Pest Management Science, 2019,75 (12):3252-3259. https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.5447 (SCI).
- Yong Zhang, Jia Fan, Yu Fu, Frédéric Francis, Julian Chen*. Plant-mediated interactions between cereal aphids: infestation of phytotoxic aphid Schizaphis graminum in wheat promote aphid performance, but attract more their parasitoids. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2019, 67, 2763−2773 (SCI).
- Yong Zhang, Yu Fu, Jia Fan, Qian Li, Frédéric Francis, Julian Chen*. Comparative transcriptome and histological analyses of wheat in response to phytotoxic aphid Schizaphis graminum and non-phytotoxic aphid Sitobion avenae feeding. BMC Plant Biology. 2019, 19:547, 1-18 (SCI).
- Qian Li, Jia Fan, Jingxuan Sun, Manqun Wang, Julian Chen *. Plant-mediated horizontal transmission of Hamiltonella defensa in the wheat aphid Sitobion miscanthi. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66 (51), 13367–13377 (SCI).
- Jia Fan, Qian Zhang, Qingxuan Xu, Wenxin Xue, Zongli Han, Jingrui Sun, Julian Chen*. Differential expression analysis of olfactory genes based on a combination of sequencing platforms and behavioral investigations in Aphidius gifuensis. Front. Physiol, 2018. 9:1679 (SCI).
- Qian Li, Jia Fan, Jingxuan Sun, Manqun Wang, Julian Chen*. Effect of the secondary symbiont Hamiltonella defensaon fitness and relative abundance of Buchnera aphidicola of wheat aphid, Sitobion miscanthi. Front. Microbiol. 2018, 9:582 (SCI).
- Qingxuan Xu, Severin Hatt, Thomas Lopes, Yong Zhang, Bernard Bodson, Julian Chen*, Frederic Francis*. A push–pull strategy to control aphids combines intercropping with semiochemical releases. J. Pest Sci, (2018) 91:93–103 (SCI).
- Yong Zhang, Jia Fan, Frédéric Francis, Julian Chen *. Molecular characterization and gene silencing of Laccase 1 in the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 2018,e21446 (SCI).
- Yong Zhang, Jia Fan, Frédéric Francis* , Julian Chen* .Watery saliva secreted by the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae stimulates aphid resistance in wheat. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2017, 65, 8798−8805 (SCI).
- Jia Fan, Wenxin Xue, Hongxia Duan, Xin Jiang, Yong Zhang, Wenjuan Yu Shanshan Jiang, Jingrun Sun, Julian Chen*. Identification of an intraspecific alarm pheromone and two conserved odorant-binding proteins associated with (E)-β-farnesene perception in aphid Rhopalosiphum padi. Journal of Insect Physiology, 2017, 101:151–160 (SCI).
- Séverin Hatt, Thomas Lopes, Fanny Boeraeve, Julian Chen*, Frédéric Francis*. Pest regulation and support of natural enemies in agriculture: Experimental evidence of within field wildflower strips. Ecological Engineering, 2017, 98: 240–245 (SCI).
- Wenxin Xue, Jia Fan, Yong Zhang, Qingxuan Xu, Zongli Han, Jingrui Sun, Julian Chen*. Identification and expression analysis of candidate odorant-binding protein and chemosensory protein genes by antennal transcriptome of Sitobion avenae. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(8):e0161839 (SCI).
- Haibo Zhou, Longsheng Chen, Yong Liu, Julian Chen*, Frédéric Francis*. Use of slow-release plant infochemicals to control aphids: a first investigation in a Belgian wheat field. Scientific Report, 2016, 6:31552:1-8 (SCI).
- Jia Fan, Yong Zhang, Frederic Francis, Dengfa Cheng, Jingrun Sun, Julian Chen*. Orco mediates olfactory behaviors and winged morph differentiation induced by alarm pheromone in the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015,64:16-24 (SCI).
- Yong Zhang, Jia Fan, Julian Chen*, Jingrui Sun. Cloning and RNA Interference Analysis of the Salivary Protein C002 Gene in Schizaphis graminum J. Integrative Agriculture, 2015,14(4): 698–705 (SCI).
- Julian Chen Hanxiang Ni Jingrui Sun Gezhi Weng. G protein b1g2 subunits purification and their interaction with adenylyl cyclase. Sciences in China, 2003, 46(2):212-223(SCI).
- 刘欢, 张勇, 陈巨莲*. 草地贪夜蛾在不同小麦品种上的取食选择性和适应性及其与叶片生化物质含量的关系. 昆虫学报, 2021, 64(2): 230-239.
- 韩宗礼,谭晓玲,范佳,孙京瑞,陈巨莲*. 模拟气候变暖对不同纬度带麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜种群动态的影响, 植物保护学报, 2018, 45(3): 592-598.
- 韩宗礼,谭晓玲,陈巨莲*. 环境温度变化对异色瓢虫的飞行与运动能力的影响. 中国生物防治学报, 2017: 33(4)433-441.
- 李迁, 范佳, 王满囷, Frederic Francis, 陈巨莲*. 昆虫内共生菌-昆虫-植物互作关系研究进展, 植物保护学报,2016,43(6) :881-891
- 张勇, 范佳, 赵兴延, 刘勇, 孙京瑞, Frederic Francis, 陈巨莲* 植物防御信号物质JA/SA对桃蚜解毒酶谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶及唾液腺基因C002表达诱导反应. 中国科学: 生命科学, 2016,46(5): 665- 672.
- 江珊珊, 邓青, 范佳, 孙京瑞, 陈巨莲*. 麦长管蚜对E-β-法尼烯的嗅觉行为反应. 昆虫学报,2015,58(7):776-782.
- 范佳, 刘勇, 曾建国, 郭梅, 孙京瑞, 程辟, 陈巨莲*. 小麦与蔬菜蚜虫新型防控技术研究进展. 应用昆虫学报, 2014, 51(6): 1413−1434.