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刘    艳


刘  艳,女,1971年10月出生,研究生学历,植物病理学博士,研究员。

1994年获沈阳农业大学植物保护专业学士学位,同年7月进入中国农业科学院植物保护研究所从事科研工作至今,在职期间获硕士和博士学位。长期从事小麦病毒病害基础研究,先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,并作为科技骨干承担国家自然科学基金中挪国际合作项目、国家重点研发计划中捷国际合作项目、粮食丰产科技创新专项、公益性行业科技专项、转基因重大委托项目等项目(课题)10余项。近年来在小麦病毒的病害流行监测、病毒致病机理、介体昆虫传毒机制、抗源筛选以及防控技术体系构建等方面的研究中开展了大量原创性工作。并与国际同行专家建立了良好的合作关系,多次赴德国、捷克等国家开展合作研究。 相关研究已在国内外学术期刊上发表论文60余篇,其中被Plant Disease, Journal of General Virology , Frontiers in Microbiology等SCI源期刊收录论文33篇;以第一发明人已获授权国家发明专利5项,制定行业标准1项,参编著作1部;获得农业部中华农业技术二等奖(第二完成人)、中国农科院科学技术成果一等奖(第二完成人)、北京市科技进步三等奖(第四完成人)以及中国植保学会科技一等奖(第五完成人)等多项科技奖励。目前主要研究方向为小麦-介体昆虫-病毒三方互作机制。

联系方式 :

 Tel: 010-62815609; E-mail: yliu@ippcaas.cn

代表性论文(*通讯作者 #共同第一作者):

1.Yan Liu, May Oo Khine, Peipei Zhang, Yumei Fu, Xifeng Wang*. Incidence and dynamics of insect-transmitted cereal viruses in wheat in China from 2007 to 2019. Plant Disease, 2020, 104(5):1404-1417

2.Yumei Fu, Mengji Cao, Hui Wang, Zhenzhen Du, Yan Liu*, Xifeng Wang. Discovery and characterization of a novel insect-specific reovirus isolated from Psammotettix alienus. Journal of General Virology. 2020, 101(8), 884-892

3.Zhenzhen Du, Yumei Fu, Yan Liu*, Xifeng Wang. Transmission characteristics of wheat yellow striate virus by its leafhopper vector Psammotettix alienus. Plant Disease, 2020,104(1):222-226

4.Yan Liu, Zhenzhen Du, Hui Wang, Song Zhang, Mengji Cao*, Xifeng Wang*. Identification and characterization of wheat yellow striate virus, a novel leafhopper-transmitted nucleorhabdovirus infecting wheat. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9:468

5.Xindong Wang#, Wei Rong#, Yan Liu#, Xifeng Wang, Zengyan Zhang*. Investigation of the mechanism of adult-stage resistance to barley yellow dwarf virus associated with a wheat–Thinopyrum intermedium translocation. Crop Journal, 2018, 6 (4): 394-405

6.Hui Wang, Yan Liu*, Wenwen Liu, Mengji Cao, Xifeng Wang. Sequence analysis and genomic organization of a novel chuvirus, Tàiyuán leafhopper virus. Archives of Virology, 2019, 164:617-620

7.Yan Liu, Wen Jin, Liang Wang, Xifeng Wang*. Replication-associated proteins encoded by Wheat dwarf virus act as RNA silencing suppressors. Virus Research, 2014,190:34-39

8.Yan Liu, Hao Zhai, Kun Zhao, Beilei Wu, XifengWang*. Two suppressors of RNA silencing encoded by cereal-infecting members of the family Luteoviridae. Journal of General Virology, 2012, 93:1825-1830 

9.Yan Liu#, Yanan Wang#, Xifeng Wang*, Guanghe Zhou. Molecular characterization and distribution of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus in China. Journal of Phytopathology, 2009,157:393-399

10.Yan Liu, Bo Sun, Xifeng Wang*, Chuanlin Zheng, Guanghe Zhou. Three digoxigenin-labeled cDNA probes for specific detection of the natural population of Barley yellow dwarf viruses in China by dot-blot hybridization. Journal of Virological Methods,2007,145:22-29

11.Hui Wang, Yan Liu, Lu Zhang, Kundu JK, Wenwen Liu, Xifeng Wang*. ADP ribosylation factor 1 facilitates spread of wheat dwarf virus in its insect vector. Cellular Microbiology, 2019, e13047

12.Hui Wang, Yan Liu, Wenwen Liu, Mengji Cao, Xifeng Wang*. Full genome sequence of a novel iflavirus from the leafhopper Psammotettix alienus. Archives of Virology, 2019,164:309-311

13.Peipei Zhang, Yan Liu, Wenwen Liu, Mengji Cao, Sebastien Massart*, Xifeng Wang*. Identification, characterization and full-length sequence analysis of a novel Polerovirus associated with wheat leaf yellowing disease. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017, 8: 1689

14.Peipei Zhang, Yan Liu, Wenwen Liu, Sebastien Massart*, Xifeng Wang*. Simultaneous detection of wheat dwarf virus, northern cereal mosaic virus, barley yellow striate mosaic virus and rice black-streaked dwarf virus in wheat by multiplex RT-PCR. Journal of Virological Methods, 2017, 249: 170-174

15.Xindong Wang,Yan Liu,Liang Chen,Dan Zhao,Xifeng Wang,Zengyan Zhang*. Wheat resistome in response to barley yellow dwarf virus infection. Functional & Integrative Genomic, 2013,13:155-165

16.俎瑶琛,刘文文,刘 艳*,王锡锋. 基于酵母双杂交系统筛选灰飞虱体内与大麦黄条点花叶病毒核衣壳蛋白互作的介体蛋白质. 植物病理学报, 2019, 49(2):226-234  

17.吴慧娟,刘 艳*,王锡锋. 小麦矮缩病毒引起的植株矮化与赤霉素代谢的相关性分析,中国农业科学,2017, 50(17):3337-3343

18.王 亮,刘 艳*,王锡锋. LNA探针实时荧光定量PCR检测小麦矮缩病毒体系的建立. 植物病理学报,2016, 46(3):313-319