刘杨,博士、研究员、博士生导师。2005年在山东大学获得学士学位,2010年在山东大学获得生物化学与分子生物学专业博士学位。2010年进入中国农业科学院植物保护研究所从事昆虫嗅觉识别的分子和神经机制研究和和行为调控剂研发。以棉铃虫等我国重大农业害虫为主要研究对象,系统解析了昆虫识别性信息素、寄主植物挥发物、产卵信息素等关键气味信号的机制。理论上阐明了气味受体和神经的功能及其与害虫行为的关系,为发展害虫绿色防控方法提供了新的思路,应用上开展了新型害虫嗅觉行为调控剂的研发和推广应用。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目4项、国家自然科学基金青年基金1项、国家重点研发计划子课题3项,参加国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目等国家级重点科研课题多项。以责任作者在Molecular Biology and Evolution、Current Biology等杂志上发表研究论文60多篇,获得国家发明专利授权8项。2016年入选北京市科技新星计划。2019年入选第三批中国农业科学院“青年英才计划”培育工程。2019年获中国昆虫学会第九届青年科学技术奖。2021年入选国家高层次人才计划。2024年获中国农业科学院杰出科技创新奖。兼任中国植物保护学会青年工作委员会秘书长,中国昆虫学会蛾类专业委员会副主任委员。
E-mail: yangliu@ippcaas.cn
1. Xiaxuan Zhang#, Yang Liu#, Mengbo Guo, Dongdong Sun, Mengjun Zhang, Xi Chu, Bente Gunnveig Berg, Guirong Wang*. A female-specific odorant receptor mediates oviposition deterrence in the moth Helicoverpa armigera. Current Biology. 2024, 34(1):16.
2. Yipeng Liu, Sai Zhang, Song Cao, Emmanuelle Jacquin‑Joly, Qiong Zhou, Yang Liu*, Guirong Wang*. An odorant receptor mediates the avoidance of Plutella xylostella against parasitoid. BMC Biology. 2024, 22(1): 61.
3. Chenrui Wang#, Song Cao#, Chen Shi#, Mengbo Guo, Dongdong Sun, Zheyi Liu, Peng Xiu, Yong Wang*, Guirong Wang*, Yang Liu*. The novel function of an orphan pheromone receptor reveals the sensory specializations of two potential distinct types of sex pheromones in noctuid moth. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2024, 81(1): 259.
4. Yang Liu*, Jeremy J. Heath, Sai Zhang, Michiel van Wijk, Guirong Wang, Jan Buellesbach, Ayako Wada-Katsumata, Astrid T. Groot, Coby Schal*. A mosaic of endogenous and plant-derived courtship signals in moths. Current Biology. 2023, 33(16): 12.
5. Song Cao#, Chen Shi#, Bing Wang, Peng Xiu, Yong Wang*, Yang Liu*, Guirong Wang*. Evolutionary shifts in pheromone receptors contribute to speciation in four Helicoverpa species. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2023,80: 199.
6. Sai Zhang, Xiaoqing Wang, Guirong Wang, Fang Liu*, Yang Liu*. An odorant receptor of the green mirid bug, Apolygus lucorum, tuned to linalool. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2022, 144: 103764.
7. Mengbo Guo, Lixiao Du, Qiuyan Chen, Yilu Feng, Jin Zhang, Xiaxuan Zhang, Ke Tian, Song Cao, Tianyu Huang, Emmanuelle Jacquin-Joly, Guirong Wang*, Yang Liu*. Odorant receptors for detecting flowering plant cues are functionally conserved across moths and butterflies. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2021, 38(4): 1413-1427.
8. Yang Liu#, Hangwei Liu#, Hengchao Wang#, Tianyu Huang#, Bo Liu, Bin Yang, Lijuan Yin, Bin Li, Yan Zhang Sai Zhang, Fan Jiang, Xiaxuan Zhang, Yuwei Ren, Bing Wang, Sen Wang, Yanhui Lu, Kongming Wu*, Wei Fan*, Guirong Wang*. Apolygus lucorum genome provides insights into omnivorousness and mesophyll feeding. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2021, 21: 287-300.
9. Song Cao#, Yang Liu#, Bing Wang, Guirong Wang*. A single point mutation causes one-way alteration of pheromone receptor function in two Heliothis species. iScience. 2021, 24: 102981.
10. Sai Zhang#, Shuwei Yan#, Zhixiang Zhang, Song Cao, Bin Li, Yang Liu*, Guirong Wang*. Identification and functional characterization of sex pheromone receptors in mirid bugs (Heteroptera: Miridae). Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2021, 136: 103621.
11. Hetan Chang#, Yang Liu#, Dong Ai, Xingchuan Jiang, Shuanglin Dong, Guirong Wang*. A pheromone antagonist regulates optimal mating time in the moth Helicoverpa armigera. Current Biology. 2017, 27(11): 1610-1615.