杨念婉主要从事外来入侵害虫的入侵机制与持续防治研究,重点以苹果蠹蛾和烟粉虱等重大入侵害虫为对象,致力于在解析外来昆虫入侵扩张机制的基础上,有针对性的发展防控技术。先后主持国家自然科学基金4项,并参与了国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家重点研发计划、科技部国际合作专项、国家973项目等项目。已发表论文46篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者在Nature Communications、Annual Review of Entomology、Pest Management Science等期刊发表论文20篇;参编中英文专著5部;授权国家专利6项。获中国昆虫学会“青年科学技术奖”、“全国昆虫生态学与害虫防治学青年科技创新奖”等。
- Huang C, Lang K, Qian WQ, Wang SP, Cao XM, He R, Zhan AR, Chen MY, Yang NW*, Li F, 2021. InvasionDB: A genome and gene database of invasive alien species. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 20(1), 191-200.
- Kidane D, Ferrante M, Man XM, Liu WX, Wan FH, Yang NW*, 2020. Cold storage effects on fitness of the whitefly parasitoids Encarsia sophia and Eretmocerus hayati. Insects, 11, 428.
- Zhang XM, Ferrante M, Wan FH, Yang NW*, Lövei GL*, 2020. The parasitoid Eretmocerus hayati is compatible with barrier cropping to decrease whitefly (Bemisia tabaci MED) densities on cotton in China. Insects, 11, 57.
- Zhang XM, Lövei GL, Ferrante M, Yang NW*, Wan FH*, 2020. The potential of trap and barrier cropping to decrease densities of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci MED on cotton in China. Pest Management Science, 76(1): 366-374.
- Wan FH*, Yin CL, Tang R, Chen MH, Wu Q, Huang C, Qian WQ, Rota-Stablelli O, Yang NW*, et al., 2019. A chromosome-level genome assembly of Cydia pomonella provides insights into chemical ecology and insecticide resistance. Nature Communications, 10: 4237.
- Huang C, Wu Q, Jiang CY, Xing LS, Shi GL, Zhang B, Qian WQ, Li YZ, Xi Y, Yang NW*, Wan FH*. 2019. Identification and developmental expression of putative gene encoding juvenile hormone esterase (CpJHE-like) in codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.). Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 18(7): 1624–1633.
- Kidane D, Yang NW*, Wan FH*, 2018. Evaluation of a banker plant system for biological control of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) on tomato, using two aphelinid parasitoids under field-cage conditions. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 28(11): 1054-1073.
- Xu HY*#, Yang NW#, Chi H, Ren GD, Wan FH*, 2018. Comparison of demographic fitness and biocontrol effectiveness of two parasitoids, Encarsia sophia and Eretmocerus hayati (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), against Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Pest Management Science, 74(9):2116-2124.
- Wan FH#*, Yang NW#, 2016. Invasion and management of agricultural alien insects in China. Annual Review of Entomology, 61: 77-98.
- Kidane D, Yang NW*, Wan FH*, 2015. Effect of cold storage on the biological fitness of Encarsia sophia (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), a parasitoid of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). European Journal of Entomology, 112(3): 460-469.
- Xu HY#, Yang NW#, Wan FH*, 2015. Field cage evaluation of interspecific interaction of two aphelinid parasitoids and biological control effect on Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Middle East-Asia Minor 1. Entomological Science, 18: 237-244.
- Yang NW, Zang LS, Wang S, Guo JY, Xu HX, Zhang F, Wan FH*, 2014. Biological pest management by predators and parasitoids in the greenhouse vegetables in China. Biological Control, 68: 92-102.
- Xu HY#, Yang NW#, Wan FH*, 2013. Competitive interactions between parasitoids provide new insight into host suppression. PLoS ONE, 8(11): e82003. (IF=3.534)
- Yang NW, Ji LL, Lövei GL, Wan FH*, 2012. Shifting preference between oviposition vs. host-feeding under changing host densities in two Aphelinid parasitoids. PLoS ONE, 7(7): e41189. (IF=3.730)
- Yang NW, Wan FH*, 2011. Host suitability of different instars of Bemisia tabaci biotype B for the parasitoid Eretmocerus hayati. Biological Control, 59, 313-317.
- Yang NW, Li AL*, Wan FH*, Liu WX, Johnson D, 2010. Effects of plant essential oils on immature and adult sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci biotype B. Crop Protection, 29: 1200-1207.
- 满孝明, Shagufta Rani Khanzada, 张桂芬, 刘万学, 万方浩, 杨念婉*.海氏桨角蚜小蜂的多次交配行为及繁殖效益. 中国生物防治学报, 2020, 36(6): 874-879.
- 李茂海, 刘丽玲, 张金花, 万方浩, 李建平, 杨念婉*. 胡瓜新小绥螨对B型烟粉虱的控制能力. 中国生物防治学报, 2019, 35(3): 356-363.
- 张晓明, 徐海云, 杨念婉*, 万方浩*. 两种蚜小蜂对烟粉虱MED隐种的田间笼罩控效评价.植物保护学报, 2018, 45(6):1281-1288.
- 杨念婉, 李艾莲*. 植物精油应用于害虫防治研究进展. 植物保护, 2007, 33(6): 16-21.