主要从事熏蒸剂科学应用技术与原理、环境行为研究工作。围绕熏蒸剂的有效、安全、科学使用,降解、迁移、散发、残留等环境行为及其关键影响因素与相关机制开展研究工作。研发了熏蒸剂胶囊制剂;优选出降低熏蒸剂散发的新型土壤消毒专用膜;首次利用生物炭消解控制熏蒸剂逃逸并阐明了生物炭和熏蒸剂的互作机理,明确了土壤环境、生物炭理化特性对互作的干扰机制;建立了一整套熏蒸剂环境行为研究方法和装置;对二甲基二硫、异硫氰酸烯丙酯的降解行为、二甲基二硫在土壤中迁移及大气散发规律与调控进行了系统研究。相关研究成果分别发表在Science of the Total Environment, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Chemosphere, Journal of Environmental Management, Land Degradation & Development,Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry等期刊上。
[1]、Jie Liu, Xianli Wang, Wensheng Fang, Dongdong Yan, Dawei Han, Bin Huang, Yi Zhang, Yuan Li, Canbin Ouyang, Aocheng Cao, Qiuxia Wang∗. Soil properties, presence of microorganisms, application dose, soil moisture and temperature influence the degradation rate of Allyl isothiocyanate in soil. Chemosphere, 2020, 0045-6535
[2]、Wensheng Fang, Dongdong Yan, Bin Huang, Zongjie Ren, Xianli Wang, Xiaoman Liu,Yuan Li, Canbin Ouyang, Quirico Migheli, Aocheng Cao∗, Qiuxia Wang∗∗. Biochemical pathways used by microorganisms to produce nitrous oxide emissions from soils fumigated with dimethyl disulfide or allyl isothiocyanate. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2019, 1321-13
[3]、Xianli Wang, Wensheng Fang, Dongdong Yan, Dawei Han, Jie Liu, Zongjie Ren, Canbin Ouyang, Yuan Li, Qiuxia Wang∗, Aocheng Cao∗∗. Evaluation of the influence of temperature and relative humidity on the permeability of four films to the fumigant dimethyl disulfide. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019. 236, 687-694
[4]、Xianli Wang, Wensheng Fang, Dongdong Yan, Dawei Han, Bin Huang, Zongjie Ren, Jie Liu, Aocheng Cao, Qiuxia Wang∗. Effect of films on dimethyl disulfide emissions, vertical distribution in soil and residues remaining after fumigation. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018. 163:76-83.
[5]、Dawei Han, Dongdong Yan, Qiuxia Wang∗. Wensheng Fang, Xianli Wang, Jun Li, Dong Wang, Yuan Li, Canbin Ouyang, Aocheng Cao. Effects of soil type, temperature, moisture, application dose, fertilizer and organic amendments on chemical properties and biodegradation of dimethyl disulfide in soil. Land Degradation & Development, 2018. 1–9
[6]、Wensheng Fang, Dongdong Yan, Xianli Wang, Bin Huang, Xiaoning Wang, Jie Liu, Xiaoman Liu, Yuan Li, Canbin Ouyang, Qiuxia Wang*, Aocheng Cao*. Responses of Nitrogen-Cycling Microorganisms to Dazomet Fumigation. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018.9:2529
[7]、Wensheng Fang, Qiuxia Wang*, Dongdong Yan, Bin Huang, Zongjie Ren, Qian Wang, Zhaoxin Song, Xiaoman Liu, Yuan Li, Canbin Ouyang, and Aocheng Cao*. Environmental Factors and Soil Amendment Affect the Decomposition Rate of Dazomet Fumigant. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2018. 47(5): 1223-1231
[8]、Dawei Han, Dongdong Yan, Aocheng Cao, Wensheng Fang, Pengfei Liu, Yuan Li, Canbin Ouyang and Qiuxia Wang*. Degradation of dimethyl disulfide in soil with or without biochar amendment. Pest Management Science, 2017. 73(9):1830-1836.
[9]、Dawei Han, Dongdong Yan, Aocheng Cao, Wensheng Fang, Xianli Wang, Zhaoxin Song YuanLi, CanbinOuyang, MeixiaGuo, QiuxiaWang.* Study on the Hydrolysis Kinetics of Dimethyl Disulfide. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2017, 228:234
[10]、Wensheng Fang, Aocheng Cao*, Dongdong Yan, Dawei Han, Bin Huang, Jun Li, Xiaoman Liu, Meixia Guo and Qiuxia Wang*. The Effect of Two Types of Biochars on the Efficacy, Emission, Degradation, and Adsorption of the Fumigant Methyl Isothiocyanate. Energies, 2017, 10 (1), 16