2009年获山东农业大学制药工程(农药方向)工学学士学位,2012年获中国农业科学院研究生院农药学农学硕士学位,2015年获中国农业科学院研究生院农药学农学博士学位。2015年7月进入中国农业科学院植物保护研究所工作,2019年1月晋升为副研究员。2017年2月-2017年3月赴美国加州大学戴维斯分校(UC Davis)参加由国家外专局和农业部人事劳动司组织的“农药安全使用及风险评估技术培训”。
主要从事农药环境毒理、归趋和应用技术研究,在农药环境毒理、环境风险评估及熏蒸剂应用技术等方面有深入研究。先后主持了国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目1项、国家重点研发计划项目子课题负责人1项、院科技创新工程协同创新任务负责人1项、所基本科研业务费专项1项等,参加了国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划项目等项目。以第一或并列第一作者在《Science of The Total Environment》、《Chemosphere》、《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》、《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》、《Pest Management Science》、《Crop Protection》、《Scientific Reports》、《PLoS ONE》、《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》、《生态毒理学报》、《植物保护学报》、《植物保护》、《农药学学报》、《农药》、《中国蔬菜》等国内外权威学术期刊上发表论文20余篇,其中以第一作者发表SCI论文15篇;参与起草农业行业标准4项,参编专著1部,获北京市科技进步二等奖1项(第9完成人)。近年来,先后获得国家授权专利20余项(其中发明专利10余项)。
2015年获“北京市优秀博士毕业生”荣誉称号;2016年获中国农科院优秀博士学位论文;2019年获第四届中国科协优秀论文遴选计划农林集群优秀论文二等奖。目前社会兼职有:中国植物保护学会青年委员会委员、北京农药学会青年委员会委员。现为《Environmental Pollution》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety》、《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》、《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》、《Phytopathology》、《Applied Soil Ecology》、《Crop Protection》、《European Journal of Plant Pathology》、《Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section b-Soil and Plant Science》、《植物保护》、《农药学学报》、《中国生物防治学报》等国内外权威学术刊物受邀审稿人。
E-mail: lgmao@ippcaas.cn
Tel: 010-62815616
- Liangang Mao, Wei Jia, Lan Zhang, Yanning Zhang, Lizhen Zhu, Muhammad Umair Sial, Hongyun Jiang*. Embryonic development and oxidative stress effects in the larvae and adult fish livers of zebrafish (Danio rerio) exposed to the strobilurin fungicides, kresoxim-methyl and pyraclostrobin. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 729:139031.
- Yiming Chang#, Liangang Mao#, Lan Zhang, Yanning Zhang, Hongyun Jiang*. Combined toxicity of imidacloprid, acetochlor and tebuconazole to zebrafish (Danio rerio): acute toxicity and hepatotoxicity assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27:10286-10295.
- Liangang Mao, Hongyun Jiang*, Lan Zhang, Yanning Zhang, Muhammad Umair Sial, Haitao Yu, Aocheng Cao. Assessment of the potential of a reduced dose of dimethyl disulfide plus metham sodium on soilborne pests and cucumber growth. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9:19806.
- Liangang Mao, Hongyun Jiang*, Lan Zhang, Yanning Zhang, Muhammad Umair Sial, Haitao Yu, Aocheng Cao*. Combined effect of a reduced dose of 1,3-dichloropropene and dimethyl disulfide on soilborne pests and tomato growth. Crop Protection, 2019, 121:1-6.
- Liangang Mao, Yiming Chang, Fulai Yang, Lan Zhang, Yanning Zhang, Hongyun Jiang*. Attraction effect of different colored cards on thrips Frankliniella intonsa in cowpea greenhouses in China. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8:13603.
- Wei Jia#, Liangang Mao#, Lan Zhang, Yanning Zhang, Hongyun Jiang*. Effects of two strobilurins (azoxystrobin and picoxystrobin) on embryonic development and enzyme activities in juveniles and adult fish livers of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Chemosphere, 2018, 207:573-580.
- Jiao Li#, Liangang Mao#, Yanning Zhang, Lan Zhang, Hongyun Jiang*. Phytochemical changes in Mango fruit in response to Alternaria alternate infection. Czech Journal of Food Science, 2018, 36(3):227-232.
- Liangang Mao, Lan Zhang, Yanning Zhang, Hongyun Jiang*. Ecotoxicity of 1,3-dichloropropene, metam sodium and dazomet on the earthworm Eisenia fetida with modified artificial soil test and natural soil test. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24:18692-18698.
- Liangang Mao, Hongyun Jiang*, Lan Zhang, Muhammad Umair Sial, Yanning Zhang, Haitao Yu, Aocheng Cao*. Replacement of methyl bromide with the combination of 1,3-dichloropropene and metham sodium for cucumber production in China. PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(11):0188137.
- Liangang Mao, Hongyun Jiang, Qiuxia Wang, Dongdong Yan, Aocheng Cao*. Efficacy of soil fumigation with dazomet for controlling ginger bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) in China. Crop Protection, 2017, 100:111-116.
- Liangang Mao, Qiuxia Wang, Dongdong Yan, Pengfei Liu, Jin Shen, Wensheng Fang, Xiaomei Hu, Yuan Li, Canbin Ouyang, Meixia Guo, Aocheng Cao*. Application of the combination of 1,3-dichloropropene and disulfide by soil injection or chemigation: effects against soilbborne pests in cucumber in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2016, 15(1):145-152.
- Liangang Mao, Qiuxia Wang, Dongdong Yan, Yuan Li, Canbin Ouyang, Meixia Guo, Aocheng Cao*. Flame soil disinfestation: A novel, promising, non-chemical method to control soilborne nematodes, fungal and bacterial pathogens in China. Crop Protection, 2016, 83(5):90-94.
- Liangang Mao, Dongdong Yan, Qiuxia Wang, Yuan Li, Canbin Ouyang, Pengfei Liu, Jin Shen, Meixia Guo, Aocheng Cao*. Evaluation of the combination of dimethyl disulfide and dazomet as an efficient methyl bromide alternative for cucumber production in China. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62(21):4864-4869.
- Liangang Mao#, Qiuxia Wang#, Dongdong Yan#, Taotao Ma, Pengfei Liu, Jin Shen, Yuan Li, Canbin Ouyang, Meixia Guo, Aocheng Cao*. Evaluation of chloropicrin as a soil fumigant against Ralstonia solanacarum in ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) production in China. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(3):91767.
- Liangang Mao, Qiuxia Wang, Dongdong Yan, Hongwei Xie, Yuan Li, Meixia Guo, Aocheng Cao*. Evaluation of the combination of 1,3-dichloropropene and dazomet as an efficient alternative to methyl bromide for cucumber production in China. Pest Management Science, 2012, 68(4):602-609.
- 毛连纲,袁善奎,李富根,张兰,张燕宁,蒋红云*. 基于登记用量分析我国四大主粮作物田除草剂的登记现状[J]. 植物保护学报, 2020, 47(5):962-972.
- 毛连纲,徐冬梅,袁善奎,李富根,张兰,张燕宁,蒋红云*. 基于推荐用量分析我国新烟碱类杀虫剂的登记现状[J]. 植物保护, 2020, 46(5):200-210.
- 毛连纲, 徐冬梅, 袁善奎, 李富根, 张兰, 张燕宁, 朱丽珍, 蒋红云*. 基于登记用量分析三唑类杀菌剂在中国的登记现状[J]. 农药学学报, 2020, 22(4):586-594.
- 毛连纲, 徐冬梅, 田梦倩, 袁善奎, 李富根, 张兰, 张燕宁, 蒋红云*. 甲氧基丙烯酸酯类杀菌剂在我国的登记用量分析[J]. 农药, 2019, 58(12):870-874.
- 毛连纲, 周艳明, 张兰, 张燕宁, 姜辉, 余海涛, 蒋红云*. 基于TOP-RICE模型嘧菌酯•噻呋酰胺4%展膜油剂稻田水溢出对水生生态系统风险评估研究[J]. 生态毒理学报, 2017, 12(4):144-151.
- 毛连纲, 贾伟, 张兰, 张燕宁, 蒋红云*. 4种甲氧基丙烯酸酯类杀菌剂对拟澳洲赤眼蜂成蜂的急性毒性及安全性评价[J]. 生态毒理学报, 2017, 12(4):264-269.