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  • Strengthen International Cooperation and Knowledge Sharing to Promote Sustainable Fall Armyworm Control Globally
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From June 30 to July 7, the "China-FAO Technical Training Workshop on FAW Monitoring and Forecasting" jointly hosted by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, and organized by the Institute of Plant Protection of CAAS (IPPCAAS) and the National Nanfan Research Institute (Sanya) of CAAS, was successfully held in Sanya. The core goal of the workshop was to impart China's advanced experience in FAW monitoring and early warning technology to African countries, enhance the practical operational capabilities of the participants, and promote international cooperation in the sustainable control of FAW. Four agricultural officials and technical experts from FAO, Kenya, and Ghana participated in the workshop. The opening ceremony of the workshop was held on July 1, where Dr. Xia Jingyuan, Secretary General of the Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control and Special Advisor to the Director General of FAO, delivered a speech to detail the background and progress of the project. He emphasized the importance of the workshop, encouraged participants to thoroughly learn China's techniques, and adapt and optimize them according to local conditions. He also outlined the next steps and phased tasks. Mr. Liu Wenbo, Director of Multilateral Cooperation Division of the Department of International Cooperation of CAAS, Prof. Yu Guoping, Deputy Director General of the National Nanfan Research Institute (Sanya) of CAAS, and Prof. Zhang Jie, Deputy Director General of IPPCAAS, attended and delivered speeches. The workshop invited several experts, including Associate Professor Zhang Tiantao and Dr. Zhang Haowen from IPPCAAS, and Professor Lü Baoqian from the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences to provide in-depth lectures on six themes: the dynamics of FAW occurrence in China, insect radar monitoring and early warning technology, intelligent identification technology, migratory trajectory analysis technology, ovarian dissection technology, and biological control technology. Mr. Jean Claude Rwaburindi, expert in technology integration and transfer from the FAO, highly praised China's achievements in plant protection technology and believed that China's monitoring and early warning technology would provide valuable experience for building integrated pest management systems. Mr. Peter Basepa Ketting, Deputy Director of the Plant Protection and Regulatory Services Directorate of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Ghana, expressed high regard for China's FAW monitoring and early warning solutions in an interview with Sanya Daily. He voiced confidence in the prospects of agricultural technology cooperation between the two sides and looked forward to more in-depth exchanges and cooperation in the future. This workshop marked a significant milestone in the effective promotion and implementation of the China-FAO "Sustainable Fall Armyworm Management" South-South Cooperation (SSC) project, providing valuable experience for subsequent IPM training workshops. LEARN MORE
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