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The High-Level Forum for the LMCSF project was successfully held at IPP-CAASOn Nov. 19-22, 2018, the High-Level Forum for the LMCSF project was successfully held in Beijing. Dr. WU Kongming, the vice President of CAAS and Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Dr. ZHANG Huijie, the Deputy Director General of the Department of International Cooperation of CAAS, and Dr. ZHOU Xueping, DG of IPP-CAAS attended the forum. Academician WU Kongming warmly welcomed the delegations from five Lancang-Mekong countries including Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Lao PDR, and emphasized the importance of Lancang-Mekong Cooperation in his opening address. He pointed out that establishing the cooperation platform for green control of major crop pests in the Lancang-Mekong area will provide new channels for international cooperation between insti-tutes and universities in the plant protection field, and it will also provide more opportunities for export and import of plant protection technologies.032019-02
The 2018 Meeting of International Advisory Board of Plant Protection was held at IPP-CAASQingdao Agricultural University. The main purpose of this meeting was to conduct a diagnostic evaluation for the mid-term progress of the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program (A...032019-02
Dr. Tom Richardson, CEO of AgResearch, New Zealand Academy of Agricultural Sciences, visited IPP-CAASDirector General of the Department of International Cooperation of CAAS hosted the meeting and warmly welcomed Dr. Tom Richardson and the delegation. He briefly introduced the visitors about the ...032019-02
The opening ceremony of International Associated Laboratory on Plant Protection between CAAS and INRA was held in Pairs, FranceOn Dec. 5th, 2018, QU Dongyu, the Vice Minster of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) visited the headquarter of French Academy of Agricultural Sciences (INRA) in Pairs, France. During his visit, Minster QU Dongyu and Philippe MAUGUIN, the president of INRA, together inaugurated the International Associated Laboratory (LIA) on Plant Protection between CAAS and INRA. Mr. WANG Hongqian, Deputy Director General of the International Cooperation Department of MARA, Ms. SONG Li, Second Secretary of the Chinese Embassy in Pairs, Prof. ZHANG Huijie, Deputy Director General of the International Cooperation Department of CAAS, Prof. ZHOU Xueping, DG of IPP-CAAS, Dr. CHEN Julian, Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Graduate Students, Prof. ZHANG Xueyong, the Chief Scientist from the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS, and Dr. CHEN Tianjin, Deputy Director of the Bilateral Division of the International Cooperation Department of CAAS attended the inauguration ceremony.032019-02
Dr. NING Yuese was awarded the Excellent Young Scientists Fund from the National Natural Science Foundation of China082018-11
Congratulations to DG ZHOU Xueping on receiving the award as a Fel-low of the American Society of Plant Pathology082018-11
The training courses on “Advanced Methods and Technologies in Green Control of Plant Pests” were successfully accomplished in the five Lancang-Mekong countries082018-11
Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir visited research achievements display of IPP-CAAS headquarters082018-11
DG ZHOU Xueping of IPP-CAAS and President Philippe MAUGUIN of INRA signed the Letter of Intent on establishing the “International Associated Laboratories (LIA)”082018-11
An investigation workshop in Yanqing demonstration area of organic agriculture was organized by IPP-CAASOn March 29th, 2018, IPP-CAAS organized an investigation workshop in Yanqing demonstra-tion area of organic agriculture, and also inaugurated the “Demonstration Base of Integrated Biocontrol Technology”. The leaders from adminstrative departments at all levels, including Mr. TANG Shengyao, Deputy Director General of the Department of International Coopera-tion, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA), Academician WU Kongming, Vice President of CAAS, Prof. ZHOU Xueping, Director General of IPP-CAAS, Prof. QIU Dewen, Deputy Director General of IPP-CAAS, Prof. CHEN Julian, Director of Department of International Cooperation and Graduate Student, IPP- CAAS, Dr. UlliKuhlmann, Executive Director General of International Cooperation Department, CABI, Dr. ZHANG Qiaoqiao, Director Gen-eral of Member Country's Affair, Dr. HarietHinz, Director of Switzerland Center of CABI, Eu-rope, accompanied by Mr. LIU Yu , President of Beijing Lvfulong Agriculture Co. LTD (BLAC) and Mr. QI Junfeng, General manager of BLAC, investigated Yanqing demonstration area of organic agriculture, and jointly attended the opening ceremony for the Demonstration Base.052018-08
Annual meeting on national key research and development program “R & D of key technologies and products of synergistic effect of chemical pesticides”052018-08
Annual meeting on national key research and development program “Characteristics of fate and limit standard of chemical pesticides in different planting systems in China”On February 3rd, 2018, the annual meeting of 2017 on national key research and development program “Characteristics of fate and limit standard of chemical pesticides in different planting systems in China” hosted by IPP-CAAS was held in Beijing. Academician WU Kongming, Vice President of CAAS, leader of project advisory panel; Mr. NIE Shanming Deputy Director and Director of Division ZHANG Zhao of Project Management department, Science and Technology Development Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs; Mr. WANG Jianqiang, Consultant-Director of the Department of Crop Protection, Ministry of Agriculture; DDG ZHENG Yongquan and other guests attended the meeting. The opening ceremony was chaired by ZHANG Lisheng, Director of Department of Scientific Research Management.052018-08
The first meeting on national R & D program “The mechanism and control of high efficiency transfer and deposition of chemical pesticides to target” was held at IPPThe first annual meeting of the national R & D implementation plan consultation was held at IPP, from April 21st to 22nd, 2018, Mr. HUANG Qiliang presided over the workshop. Mr. CUI Jianghao, Director of Department of Science and Education, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA), Mr. WANG Jianqiang, Investigator of Planting division, MARA, Dr. ZHONG Dasen, Science and Technology Development Center, MARA, Academician WU Kongming, project management expert committee expert, the vice president of CAAS, Academician SONG Baoan, expert panel of project advisory group, the president of Guizhou University, Mr. XI Zhen, Director of National Engineering Research Center of Pesticide, Nankai University, and the project consultant including Prof. GAO Xiwu, Prof. LIU Xili, China Agricultural University, Prof. ZHANG Youjun, Deputy Director General of Vegetable Institute of CAAS,Prof. ZHOU Xueping, DG of IPP attended the meeting. The opening ceremony was presided by Prof. ZHENG Yongquan, DDG of IPP.052018-08
President of Kyrgyzstan visited research achievements display of IPP in CAASOn June 8, a delegation led by Mr. Sooronbai Jeenbekov, the President of Kyrgyzstan, visited the CAAS. Mr. XIAO Qinghua, Chinese Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan. Mr. QU Dongyu, Deputy Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA), Prof. TANG Huajun, a member of the CPC Leading Group, MARA and President of CAAS, Mr. CHEN Mengshan, Secretary of Leading Party Group of CAAS, Prof. WU Kongming, Vice President of CAAS and Prof. ZHOU Xueping, DG of IPP-CAAS accompanied the visit.052018-08
DDG ZHANG Jie visited CNRRI to investigate and exchange experience in financial management272017-07
IPP was Commended for the Management of Graduates in 2016182017-07
The Scientific Committee of SKLBPI convened the annual meeting for 2016 and the inaugural meeting of the 6th Scientific Committee in Beijing132017-07
Kick-off meeting of Horizon 2020: Integrated and Innovative Key Actions for Mycotoxin Management in the Food and Feed Chain was held in Beijing122017-07
Dr. Ulrich KUHLMANN, co-director of Chinese Ministry of Agriculture – CABI Joint Laboratory for Bio-safety, receives the International Friends Award from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences122017-07
Prevention and control of vegetable diseases and insect pests by biological control technologies in greenhouse has made prominent effect102017-07